OC Tech Services /
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Outreach Canada Ministries is involved in proclaiming the Gospel and encouraging disciple making around the globe both directly and in partnership with other organizations.
OC team members work directly with pastors and leaders in Africa, South East Asia and elsewhere to develop and equip disciple making leaders. And through our participation in the OC Global Alliance and Global Church Planting Network, we are reaching into over 100 countries.
- OC Global Alliance - Our collegial partnership with 13 mobilization centers world-wide representing nearly 1,101 workers who together have impact in 101 countries. In 2018 over 15,055 new churches were established.
- Global Church Planting Network - We work with other church planting ministries whose shared goal is to reach every country and village in the world with the Gospel message. We seek to link people of shared vision to work and pray towards accelerating church planting in their nation or region.