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Monday, September 30, 2019
Our God is an amazing God and we’ve seen it again in an Asian nation where we met with about 25 other disciples of Jesus. (I’m being a bit vague about location since this is a public posting and not everyone is into advancing the world shaking good news of Jesus!)
Thanks be to God
We arrived two days before the training event to learn translated materials hadn’t arrived. The first amazing thing the Lord did through loving colleagues was to connect us with translators who translated the whole 10 documents and 16 PPTs into the needed languages in an amazing 36 hours, work sometimes arriving just minutes before sessions.
The Lord brought a leader from a nation where the majority religion persecutes disciples of Jesus, yet thousands of adherents to the majority religion are turning to Jesus every year! This trainer worked intensively with leaders from several other nations who live in and bring the good news of Jesus to nations with the same majority religion. Other leaders came from a nearby nation with an oppressive political regime and countries dominated by other worldviews.
The atmosphere was electric. Leaders from eight nations enjoyed the presence of God, practical insights about disciple-making movements, gained new friends and mentors, received prayer from people around the world. We worshiped, strategized, drew on hope from the Lord and planned for the future.
What next?
What next? Good things arranged by the Lord who is restoring all things! The trainer has committed to travel to a central location where many leaders from similar contexts will come to extend disciple making movement training to many others.
In the meantime monthly internet gatherings will coach and mentor those having been trained. A church planting coaching network will begin in one of the nations. Other plans are being made…
Grateful? My heart is overflowing with praise and thanksgiving! Are conditions tough in these parts of the world? You’ve heard only a part of it. But the Lord Jesus, whose Father in Heaven is relentlessly pursuing the renewal of all things, will be victorious and we will all see it. Faith is giving thanks in advance.