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Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Outreach Canada’s work in Burundi, East Africa, is made possible by our official partnership with Partners Trust International Church (PTIC) (pictured above).
Partners Trust International Church was founded with a holistic mission: To contribute to the proclamation of the gospel in a holistic manner and to the strengthening of the capacities of Christian churches and organizations through the promotion of theological reflection, the sharing of resources and partnership between churches, Christian organizations, and any other structure contributing to the holistic transformation of Burundi according to the supreme order to make the nations disciples of Christ.
It was very encouraging for Outreach Canada to find such an organization that shares our expansive mission of fulfilling the Great Commission through the body of Christ. We pursue that mission through recognizing needs and opportunities, responding with innovation, and rallying leaders to embrace cooperative solutions that serve the cause of Christ.
Our partnership in Burundi fits that mission hand-in-glove.
We have titled our partnership, Rethink Development, and have had a particular focus on building the capacity of Christians involved in community development work. We will continue with that focus through ongoing cohort-based training initiatives, our annual conference, and some timely research efforts.
In 2023 we also plan to expand our reach to provide resources for local pastors. Burundian pastors face multiple challenges; they serve in fragile communities and must juggle their own personal needs and those of their local congregations. Part of our strategic plan is to conduct research into the needs of these pastor and to then discern how we can begin to provide some timely resources for them.
The church is such an important player in the holistic development of Burundian communities. And pastors are on the front lines. Outreach Canada through our local partners is working to improve the “supply chain” that will provide them with some timely resources.
Next week we will showcase some of our local people who make this happen! Thanks for praying for us!