Freedom from Hunger: Mohamed's Story

Outreach Canada Website / Monday, November 30, 2020


Mohamed* and his family live under constant threat of violence. India can be a dangerous place for Muslims to live. Mohamed and his family live in a tightly clustered community of about two-hundred Muslim families. When the COVID pandemic hit India, many Muslims lost the few protections and provisions that they had. Mohamed’s family went for five days without food and they were not permitted to leave their Muslim community.

Our partners learned of this community near them and wanted to help. They obtained permission and protection of local police to travel into this community. For the next five weeks, weekly food packages were delivered to these families. The love of Jesus was shared to this community, along with approximately seven thousand meals. Through this opportunity, connections have been formed and many Muslims now consider our partners as their “brothers”, even though we are Christians and they are Muslims. The door has been opened to share with them about Jesus Christ.

Food Security & Sharing the Good News

The story above started with an opportunity to provide food for those impacted by the COVID pandemic and also resulted in opportunities to share the good news of Jesus.  

Over the past several months, food security has already been provided for over 6000 families in India, with a total of 1.8 million meals. And like the story above, as food security is being provided, doors are being opened to share the good news of the Jesus Christ.   

Freedom 25

Join us in our newest initiative, FREEDOM 25 – an opportunity to join in with what God is doing in India.

As the pandemic has unfolded, millions of day labourers and small business owners have lost their only source of income. A large population of underprivileged people are going underfed due to loss of resources and facilities. In desperation, women have turned to prostitution to feed their families.

The FREEDOM 25 Initiative will train and engage women who are on the streets in India to run community kitchens in their own neighbourhoods.

  • The aim is to pay women a daily wage allowing them to choose a different vocation for survival instead of prostituting themselves.
  • The community kitchens will then serve nutritious and hygienic food to the underprivileged population which will improve their immunity to further protect them from infections and be job ready.

Your gift of $25 provides enough food to feed a family of five for a full week. Larger gifts will help us open new community kitchens in new neighbourhoods. 

DONATIONS to this project are no longer being accepted.


*Names have been changed for privacy & security purposes. Also, for privacy & security reasons, we are unable to share our own photos. Image from Unsplash.



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