BetterIt Workplace Chaplains

Corporate Chaplains
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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work with today. May I be sensitive to...
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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided with a healthy mix of gifted peopl...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided ...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft walks through the process & mindset...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft w...
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Workplace Chaplaincy: A Creative Solution Built Around Employee Needs
Looking back 1700 years to the origins of chaplaincy, our workplace chaplaincy program defines what chaplaincy IS and IS NOT for today. As well, this art...
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Workplace Chaplaincy: A Creative Solution Built Around Employee Needs
Looking back 1700 years to the origins of chaplaincy, our workplace chaplaincy program defines what chaplaincy IS and I...

Workplace Chaplaincy: Addressing Interpersonal Challenges in the Workplace

How can a workplace chaplaincy program address interpersonal tension and challenges in the workplace, as well as enhance the offerings of a workplace?  A few striking trends that are impacting the workforce today include:

  1. The Canadian workforce is moving to the online world.
  2. The demographical make-up of the Canadian workforce is shifting dramatically.
  3. Workplace wellness is moving from an optional or incentive-based offering to an expectation.

This article considers "The Millenial Problem" as well as immigration and the Canadian workforce, and explores how workplace chaplaincy can better the lives of workers across Canada through their "coach approach", referrals to community resources, and their expanded household coverage. 

Workplace Chaplaincy: Addressing Interpersonal Challenges in the Workplace

How can a workplace chaplaincy program address interpersonal tension and challenges in the workplace, as well as enhance the offerings of a workplace?  A few striking trends that are impacting the workforce today include:

  1. The Canadian workforce is moving to the online world.
  2. The demographical make-up of the Canadian workforce is shifting dramatically.
  3. Workplace wellness is moving from an optional or incentive-based offering to an expectation.

This article considers "The Millenial Problem" as well as immigration and the Canadian workforce, and explores how workplace chaplaincy can better the lives of workers across Canada through their "coach approach", referrals to community resources, and their expanded household coverage. 

Workplace Chaplaincy: The Canadian Workplace Situation

Mental health struggles are impacting 1 in every 3 to 5 employees and just 1 of every 10 is using the EFAPs (Employee and Family Assistance Programs.) In other words, there is a need that is not being met by these programs.  Jonathan takes a closer look at the Canadian Workplace and explains why we need to pay attention. This is part one of a three-part series on Workplace Chaplaincy. 

Workplace Chaplaincy: The Canadian Workplace Situation

Mental health struggles are impacting 1 in every 3 to 5 employees and just 1 of every 10 is using the EFAPs (Employee and Family Assistance Programs.) In other words, there is a need that is not being met by these programs.  Jonathan takes a closer look at the Canadian Workplace and explains why we need to pay attention. This is part one of a three-part series on Workplace Chaplaincy. 

Ready To Try Something New? Why you need a Chaplain…

Interested in what a workplace chaplaincy program could add to your organization? We’d love to talk to you!

Ready To Try Something New? Why you need a Chaplain…

Interested in what a workplace chaplaincy program could add to your organization? We’d love to talk to you!

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

How many times in your life has someone said to you, "Just take a breath!". As you prepare for and participate in Thanksgiving activities, may you be aware of God's presence.

Here is a prayer for Thanksgiving:

Lord God, you are the one who gives us each breath. On average, 22 000 of them every day. And we don't actually 'take' a breath. By your grace and through your creation, we receive each one ... 

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

How many times in your life has someone said to you, "Just take a breath!". As you prepare for and participate in Thanksgiving activities, may you be aware of God's presence.

Here is a prayer for Thanksgiving:

Lord God, you are the one who gives us each breath. On average, 22 000 of them every day. And we don't actually 'take' a breath. By your grace and through your creation, we receive each one ... 

Creative Hospitality in the Port of Vancouver

At the start of each ship visit, Port Chaplains never know how God will use us to share His love and extend ‘creative hospitality’ to the seafarers that we meet. This is even more reason why we pray before heading out to visit the ships...

Creative Hospitality in the Port of Vancouver

At the start of each ship visit, Port Chaplains never know how God will use us to share His love and extend ‘creative hospitality’ to the seafarers that we meet. This is even more reason why we pray before heading out to visit the ships...

Beyond the Mistletoe

Christmas is not all, and only about green mistletoe, tasty pastries, and sweet fluffy calico cats. It is, I believe about two puzzling and paradoxical truths...

Beyond the Mistletoe

Christmas is not all, and only about green mistletoe, tasty pastries, and sweet fluffy calico cats. It is, I believe about two puzzling and paradoxical truths...

Breathe! It's Thanksgiving

Breathing connects us and reminds us to be forever grateful for the gift of life in relationship with the Creator and with each other.

Breathe! It's Thanksgiving

Breathing connects us and reminds us to be forever grateful for the gift of life in relationship with the Creator and with each other.

Living in Hope

We are clinging to any sign of hope. Yet, it does not take long before we realize that these hopes are on shaky ground. Circumstances change and suddenly we are afloat, looking for another lifebuoy of hope on which to cling. Pandemics have a way of pulling back the curtain, revealing misplaced hope, and driving us deeper into the search for real hope.

My hope lies in binding myself to Jesus, above all else, and placing my hope in this greater narrative of resurrection. Resting in this hope, I can live a life of hope, even in a pandemic.

Living in Hope

We are clinging to any sign of hope. Yet, it does not take long before we realize that these hopes are on shaky ground. Circumstances change and suddenly we are afloat, looking for another lifebuoy of hope on which to cling. Pandemics have a way of pulling back the curtain, revealing misplaced hope, and driving us deeper into the search for real hope.

My hope lies in binding myself to Jesus, above all else, and placing my hope in this greater narrative of resurrection. Resting in this hope, I can live a life of hope, even in a pandemic.

Memory and Hope

Memory and Hope are twin companions - at Christmas, as well as throughout our year - mingling the past with the future as we walk in the present.

Memory and Hope

Memory and Hope are twin companions - at Christmas, as well as throughout our year - mingling the past with the future as we walk in the present.

Christmas in a Time of Numbers

At this particular time in history, we are inundated with numbers. 

Over the past nine months, I have become exhausted by daily reports about the pandemic—new cases, deaths, hospitalizations, comparisons. Life has become magnified and intensified through totals and percentages. Somehow, these have the power to increase our fears and anxiety around our everyday lives and struggles.

These numbers actually represent intergenerational stories, and our Creator God is the source of each story. It might make a big difference if we focused on our stories and asked narrative questions rather than numeric questions.

Christmas in a Time of Numbers

At this particular time in history, we are inundated with numbers. 

Over the past nine months, I have become exhausted by daily reports about the pandemic—new cases, deaths, hospitalizations, comparisons. Life has become magnified and intensified through totals and percentages. Somehow, these have the power to increase our fears and anxiety around our everyday lives and struggles.

These numbers actually represent intergenerational stories, and our Creator God is the source of each story. It might make a big difference if we focused on our stories and asked narrative questions rather than numeric questions.

Port Chaplains Adapt to COVID-19 Pandemic

The Chaplain Ministry for seafarers has had to change & adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bill shares some of the challenges, and some of the joys of ministering to the seafarers during this season. 

Port Chaplains Adapt to COVID-19 Pandemic

The Chaplain Ministry for seafarers has had to change & adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bill shares some of the challenges, and some of the joys of ministering to the seafarers during this season. 

Insight & Oversight: A Story of Blindness

Every person and thing we encounter has a story, but often our own story and our own filters, like beliefs and prejudices, hinder our ability to truly see others or even ourselves. A exploration of Luke 7 - Jesus Annointed by a Sinful Woman.

Insight & Oversight: A Story of Blindness

Every person and thing we encounter has a story, but often our own story and our own filters, like beliefs and prejudices, hinder our ability to truly see others or even ourselves. A exploration of Luke 7 - Jesus Annointed by a Sinful Woman.

Coming Full Circle

Once an engineer at the marine terminals in Vancouver, life came full circle for Bill Wong when he returned to the same marine terminals, but this time as a Chaplain.

Coming Full Circle

Once an engineer at the marine terminals in Vancouver, life came full circle for Bill Wong when he returned to the same marine terminals, but this time as a Chaplain.

Should Pastors be Required to Marry All?

Should pastors be required to marry any couple that asks, including same-sex couples? Where is the line between religious rights & legal requirements? A look at civil and religious marriages, and an alternative way forward.

Should Pastors be Required to Marry All?

Should pastors be required to marry any couple that asks, including same-sex couples? Where is the line between religious rights & legal requirements? A look at civil and religious marriages, and an alternative way forward.

Better Together: The Story of Lazarus

Exploring the story of an East Side Kid & the story of Lazarus. Did Jesus believe in "Better Together"? 

Better Together: The Story of Lazarus

Exploring the story of an East Side Kid & the story of Lazarus. Did Jesus believe in "Better Together"? 

Fear of my Lord

My comforter yes. Yet I feel, I confess, a faint trace of disquietude in His presence.

Not because I doubt His love for me…but, rather, because I am certain of it.

And His love is at once tender and mild, yet ferocious and wild… because He, this man Jesus, is both Lamb of God, and Lion of Judah.

Fear of my Lord

My comforter yes. Yet I feel, I confess, a faint trace of disquietude in His presence.

Not because I doubt His love for me…but, rather, because I am certain of it.

And His love is at once tender and mild, yet ferocious and wild… because He, this man Jesus, is both Lamb of God, and Lion of Judah.