Outreach Canada Blog

Serving Leaders. Making Disciples.

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Who Not What
What does a book, a hand-written letter, an airplane, an Origami crane, and a cardboard box have in common? All very different, yet all are paper. T...
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Who Not What
What does a book, a hand-written letter, an airplane, an Origami crane, and a cardboard box have in common? All very di...
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One-line Prayers from our OC Team
Here is a collection of one-line prayers from our Outreach Canada team! Will you pray along with us?
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One-line Prayers from our OC Team
Here is a collection of one-line prayers from our Outreach Canada team! Will you pray along with us?
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3 Dynamics of Conflict Every Church Should Know
Conflict happens— it is an inevitable part of life . This holds true in our personal and communal journeys.  During a discussion about my research ...
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3 Dynamics of Conflict Every Church Should Know
Conflict happens— it is an inevitable part of life . This holds true in our personal and communal journeys.  Duri...

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