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Standing at the head of the trail that will wend through 2024, we at Outreach Canada can see clearly where we are right now, and perhaps even a step or two ahead.
But although we think we know where we’re going, very quickly the actual path disappears into the future - potentially full of twists and turns, unknowns that are unseen from where we stand, and opportunities and challenges alike, just around the corner.
None of us can know what the year ahead will bring, so would you join us in praying for Outreach Canada as we start the year?
Here are 5 trail markers to guide your prayers for us...
Have you made a new year’s resolution for 2024?
Many of us are afraid to make resolutions because we have failed too many times.
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology (University of Scranton), 45% of Americans make resolutions – only 8% achieve them.
If your desire is to make a resolution to know God better – but you are afraid of failure – let me introduce you to a centuries-old practice full of promise that’s flexible and forgiving ...
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. -Psalm 34:18 (NLT)
Mental Health. Trauma-Informed. PTSD. Healing.
We’ve heard these words a lot lately – from diverse sectors of society across our country, and in relation to both Canadians and newcomers. As we think about what is going on around the world, here in this country, in our countries of origin, and the experiences we, and family members, bring with us when we settle here in Canada: How then, should we respond? As the church. As fellow neighbours. As friends reaching out. In our diaspora churches and ministries.
This article expands on the topics of heart wounds, trauma, and our response as Christians. It also offers next steps --- pointing to opportunities to experience healing groups and/or to be trained as a Trauma Healing facilitator...
I remember sitting in a seminar once hearing the presenter ask, "If your local church disappeared, would anybody in the neighbourhood notice?"
Stinging words. Sobering. Sit with that question and chew on it. Let it disturb you the way it disturbed me.
Christian community is intended to be noticeable, and it’s intended to be transformative to the surrounding community—light in a dark place. And what makes us noticeable and transformative, according to Jesus, is our good works.
So what good works is your church offering your community that are being seen and noticed by your neighbours, bringing light to the surroundings, and causing them to give glory to our Father? What are you offering that would be missed if you stopped?
The revelation of 215 Indigenous children’s remains found at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School (IRS) in 2021 shocked Canadians and reverberated around the world. As a Christ follower and a descendant of newcomers (last 150 year) to Canada, Don shares some cautions & encouragements about how to respond.
Why did I fail to teach my youngest daughter to ride a bike? Why did I keep failing to make disciples who multiply? Simply, I didn’t use the training cycle of Model, Assist, Watch, Launch (MAWL).
Jon shares about teaching his youngest daughter to ride a bike, and the principles that also apply to making disciples who multiply.