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Last month 24 Canadians got on airplanes and travelled to Chiang Mai, Thailand to attend the Simply Mobilizing Global Conference.
What was the result of their investment of time, money, and effort? While it’s impossible to encapsulate all that happened, here are some snapshots of what God did as we worshipped and learned in community with over 300 delegates from almost 70 different countries ...
I remember sitting in a seminar once hearing the presenter ask, "If your local church disappeared, would anybody in the neighbourhood notice?"
Stinging words. Sobering. Sit with that question and chew on it. Let it disturb you the way it disturbed me.
Christian community is intended to be noticeable, and it’s intended to be transformative to the surrounding community—light in a dark place. And what makes us noticeable and transformative, according to Jesus, is our good works.
So what good works is your church offering your community that are being seen and noticed by your neighbours, bringing light to the surroundings, and causing them to give glory to our Father? What are you offering that would be missed if you stopped?
In the first two parts of this blog series, we shared Teresa’s story of introduction to Discovery Bible Study (Part 1) as well as stories of Teresa’s missionary journey through Asia (Part 2).
In this final installment, we asked Teresa to share wisdom for Canadian ministry leaders and also to address a common concern with the Discovery Bible Study method.
We pray that these four stories about disciple-making & disciple multiplication (from Simply Mobilizing Canada) encourage your heart and inspire you to action!
A few years ago, I spent several months reading and re-reading the book of Acts. I was trying to understand how the Church had gone from a handful of people hiding out for fear of the authorities, to a bold and fearless community growing at an exponential rate.
As I read, a pattern began to emerge:
Prayer preceded Holy Spirit empowerment, which led to bold, public witness about Jesus Christ, accompanied by affirming signs and wonders,
resulting in many coming to faith AND active opposition from others,
which then caused Jesus’ followers to go back to prayer … starting the cycle all over again.
Here are 8 disciple-making principles that have become crystal clear to me from the Acts accounts ...
Here is a collection of 40 quotes about Disciple-Making -- words of wisdom from Christian thinkers, including Outreach Canada team members ...