3 Opportunities to Get Involved in Making Disciples

Melissa Berry


Ready, Set, Go!

Actually, before we “start”, we should always remember that the process of making disciples (who make disciples) is never something we should (or can!) do on our own. Rather, it is a process of joining in with God and what He is already doing.

That’s why our first practical opportunity is to:

1. Pray

As you look for the disciple-making opportunities around you, start with prayer. Ask God to show you where He is already at work and to open your eyes to the opportunities around you.

Here are two ideas to jump in:

  1. Prayer-walk your neighbourhood. Looking for help to get started? Here’s a great Prayer-Walking 101 article from Simply Mobilizing Canada.
  2. Pray for Muslims in Canada. Loving Muslims Together offers monthly prayer meetings to join with other Canadian believers in praying for Muslims in Canada. During Ramadan, Loving Muslims Together also offers a prayer booklet, with daily prayer prompts (in English, Chinese, and Korean); and weekly online prayer gatherings.

Let’s pray!

2. Sign up for a Discovery Bible Study “Taster Group”

Outreach Canada is offering “Discovery Bible Study (DBS) Taster Groups” – an immersive experience with Discovery Bible Study so that you can experience first-hand this effective, yet simple, disciple-making tool. Sign up for a DBS Taster Group today!

What is Discovery Bible Study?

A Discovery Bible Study small group is simple tool designed to embed the DNA of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It can be a pair of friends, or as many as 6, 9, even 12 people. They form a small community focused on following Jesus and making disciples who make disciples. Disciple-making groups can meet anytime convenient and practical for two or more people.  

When you participate in a DBS Taster Group, you will “feel” the principles of how to make disciples, leaders and churches that multiply. This is well-suited for those who want to jump into the action right away.

Key Aspects of a Discovery Bible Study Group:

  • A Discovery Bible Study Group meets regularly to follow a simple 7-question small group process.
  • Ordinary disciples of Jesus can use this to invite seekers to consider following Jesus. For those already following Jesus, it helps them grow deeper in knowledge, obedience, and sharing, to make more disciples.
  • It even embeds into every community of disciples the core DNA of what it means to be a healthy church.
  • The intention is that these groups of disciples can continue multiplying groups of disciples who further multiply groups of disciples. 

Get a “taste” of Discovery Bible Study by signing up for a Taster Group!

3. Take a course from Simply Mobilizing Canada

Simply Mobilizing Canada offers courses with a focus on mobilizing all God’s people to be on mission with God. New Courses are offered regularly. View all upcoming courses from Simply Mobilizing Canada.

  • Kairos is a nine-session foundational discipleship course on God’s mission. It develops the major biblical theme of God’s heart for all the nations of the world—both globally and in the neighbourhood—and His desire to use His people to be a blessing to them.
  • The Unfinished Story is a four-session course designed to inspire, educate and challenge God’s people in our time to engage with God in his mission. The Unfinished story will help form a Biblical worldview that sees our participation with God in mission as both an exciting adventure and, even more importantly, what it means to be a true follower of Jesus!
  • Empowered to Influence is a four-session course with a special focus for those who are in the workplace. It focuses on seven paradigm shifts that need to take place for every believer to become effective salt and light.

Sign up for a course from Simply Mobilizing Canada.

Step out in Obedience

The call to make disciples is clear in the Great Commission:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. – Matthew 28:19-20a

How will YOU step out in obedience to Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples”?

One last thing…

As you step out, don’t forget the last part of the Great Commision. Matthew 28:20b says:

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Jesus

As you step out, in obedience to God, to make disciples, remember that He is with you … always!

Melissa Berry is the Digital Content Coordinator at Outreach Canada. Her favourite part of her role is getting to share stories - the stories of OC people, & the stories of how God is working! If she had a free afternoon, you'd probably find Melissa on an adventure with her husband & two children (with a chai tea in hand, of course).

March 20 2023

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