Monthly Day of Prayer & Fasting
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
We are inviting you to put aside the last Friday of each month as a focused day of prayer and fasting. It's an opportunity to join with others in praying and listening to the Lord. We specifically want to pray into these areas:
- That God would strengthen and encourage those who are reaching out and ministering to Muslims in Canada.
- That God would raise up and strengthen the leadership of the LMT network. Several have had to step back from leadership because of personal circumstances. We want to hear what the Lord is saying to us, and who he is raising up for this ministry.
- That God would stir the hearts of many Muslims in Canada. That when we can be together, we would discover that God has prepared the way for a much greater harvest.
- What is the call for the days ahead? What ‘new thing’ might the Lord want to show us?
Online Zoom Call
Last Friday of Every Month
We recognize that we have people who will be joining from across Canada. So there will be a few different Zoom Calls throughout the day, hosted by different members from our LMT Network. Hopefully one or several of those time slots will work with your schedule.
Link to Zoom Call
To receive the link for the call, please fill out the registration form here.
If you’re not able to join us at those times, then please do set aside time during the day to prayerfully listen to the Lord, perhaps with others at a time that is mutually agreeable.