Outreach Canada Blog

Serving Leaders. Making Disciples.

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Dead gods and Shattered Temples: A Warning for Filipino (and other) Christian Immigrants
The majority of Filipinos are Christians (around 84%) with the largest majority being Catholic (around 81%). Most...
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Dead gods and Shattered Temples: A Warning for Filipino (and other) Christian Immigrants
The majority of Filipinos are Christians (around 84%) with the largest majority being Catholic (around 81%). Most “Pino...
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Pinoys who Came by Waves (and more are coming!)
A number of Filipinos refer to themselves as Pinoys, much like Canadians are referred to as Canucks. Today, where...
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Pinoys who Came by Waves (and more are coming!)
A number of Filipinos refer to themselves as Pinoys, much like Canadians are referred to as Canucks. Today, wherever yo...
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Love your Muslim Neighbours this Ramadan: Ways to Pray and Engage
Jesus exhorts us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Are you looking for opportunities to pray for and engage wit...
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Love your Muslim Neighbours this Ramadan: Ways to Pray and Engage
Jesus exhorts us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Are you looking for opportunities to pray for and engage with the ...

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