Rethink Development: Kevin's Story

Outreach Canada Website


Outreach Canada’s partnership in Burundi is made possible by dedicated young Burundian professionals who combine their skills and their faith to serve the practical needs of their country.

Here is Kevin’s story: (scroll down to read in English)

Kevin's Story (French)

Chrétien et né de nouveau depuis aout 2009, je suis burundais âgé de 30 ans, marié et père d’une fille de 10 mois.

Statisticien de formation, j’ai rejoint l’équipe de Rethink Development (RD) en novembre 2018 durant mon stage professionnel chez Partners Trust International (PTI).

Rethink Development (RD) m’a permis de savoir que l’Eglise pour sa mission a besoin non seulement des prédicateurs mais aussi des personnes issues des différentes professions ayant un cœur d’évangéliste. Ainsi, RD m’a outillé et m’a donné l’occasion d’apporter ma contribution dans l’avancement du royaume de Dieu par mon expérience professionnelle.

Rethink Development (RD) à travers des conférences annuelles a permis aux chercheurs, aux leaders des églises et des organisations chrétiennes dans leurs différence de se rencontre, d’échanger sur le développement du pays, d’oser reconnaitre les défis qui font que l’impact de l’Eglise n’est pas remarquable. Du fait, le renforcement des capacités et l’accompagnement des praticiens par RD résultant des propositions émises par ces derniers est le fruit de l’utilité de RD dans la vie de l’Eglise en particulier et du pays en général.

Kevin's Story (English)

Christian and born again since August 2009, I am a 30-year-old Burundian, married with a 10 month old daughter.

A statistician by training, I joined the Rethink Development (RD) team in November 2018 during my professional internship at Partners Trust International Church (PTIC).

Rethink Development (RD) helped me discover that the church for its mission needs not only preachers but also people from different professions with an evangelistic heart. Thus, RD has equipped me and given me the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of God's kingdom through my professional skills and experience.

Rethink Development (RD), through their training and annual conferences, has enabled researchers, church leaders and Christian organizations from a wide spectrum to meet, to exchange ideas on the development of the country, and to consider practically how to expand the impact of the church. In fact, thanks to RD, Christian practitioners have seen mentored and seen their capacity expanded. During the recent conference, a timely list of proposals for training and research was gathered – a testimony to the usefulness of RD in the life of the Church in particular and the country in general.

Find out more: Rethink Development in Burundi


February 22 2023

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