Outreach Canada Blog

Serving Leaders. Making Disciples.

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Transformation. When Pigs Fly.
Transformation is a popular topic. People want to transform their bodies with exercise and diet, or their lifestyle with a new career path. Ofte...
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Transformation. When Pigs Fly.
Transformation is a popular topic. People want to transform their bodies with exercise and diet, or their lifestyle wit...
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Thankful for a Warm Welcome
Chad shares a few thoughts and impressions from his busy first month as Executive Director of OC.
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Thankful for a Warm Welcome
Chad shares a few thoughts and impressions from his busy first month as Executive Director of OC.
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Lausanne 4 and the Changing Mission Landscape
"The gospel is for everyone, anywhere and every generation."  Sadiri Joy Tira shares from his heart ahead of the upcoming 4th Lausanne Movement ...
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Lausanne 4 and the Changing Mission Landscape
"The gospel is for everyone, anywhere and every generation."  Sadiri Joy Tira shares from his heart ahead of the upcomi...
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The Multi-Purpose Pastor: 10 Helpful Tips for Pastors
Many years ago, when I was a kid, my dad gave me a Swiss Army Knife for my birthday. That red handled knife was more than just a pocketknife, it...
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The Multi-Purpose Pastor: 10 Helpful Tips for Pastors
Many years ago, when I was a kid, my dad gave me a Swiss Army Knife for my birthday. That red handled knife was more th...

Executive Director Announcement

Ray Woodard, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Outreach Canada Ministries, shares an exciting update on the search for the new Executive Director of OC.

"After a careful and prayerful search process, the Outreach Canada Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Chad Bruneski to the position of Executive Director, effective August 1st, 2024."

Executive Director Announcement

Ray Woodard, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Outreach Canada Ministries, shares an exciting update on the search for the new Executive Director of OC.

"After a careful and prayerful search process, the Outreach Canada Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Chad Bruneski to the position of Executive Director, effective August 1st, 2024."

Who Not What

What does a book, a hand-written letter, an airplane, an Origami crane, and a cardboard box have in common? All very different, yet all are paper.

The thing that makes OC different is not what we do, because we do many things. It is who we are. Ray Sanford, a member of the Outreach Canada Ministries board of directors, shares about this important insight into understanding OC.

Who Not What

What does a book, a hand-written letter, an airplane, an Origami crane, and a cardboard box have in common? All very different, yet all are paper.

The thing that makes OC different is not what we do, because we do many things. It is who we are. Ray Sanford, a member of the Outreach Canada Ministries board of directors, shares about this important insight into understanding OC.

One-line Prayers from our OC Team

Here is a collection of one-line prayers from our Outreach Canada team! Will you pray along with us?

One-line Prayers from our OC Team

Here is a collection of one-line prayers from our Outreach Canada team! Will you pray along with us?

3 Dynamics of Conflict Every Church Should Know

Conflict happens— it is an inevitable part of life. This holds true in our personal and communal journeys. 

During a discussion about my research on congregational leadership and conflict, I encountered an older couple with a rather stark perspective— that all conflict was inherently wrong and destructive, with no place in a healthy congregation. 

In this post, I want to share a different perspective drawn from Acts 6 ...

3 Dynamics of Conflict Every Church Should Know

Conflict happens— it is an inevitable part of life. This holds true in our personal and communal journeys. 

During a discussion about my research on congregational leadership and conflict, I encountered an older couple with a rather stark perspective— that all conflict was inherently wrong and destructive, with no place in a healthy congregation. 

In this post, I want to share a different perspective drawn from Acts 6 ...

Sea to Sea - A Canada Day Prayer

On this Canada Day in 2024, join in this prayer for our country and our leaders, for justice, mercy and openess to God's transforming and gracious love.

Sea to Sea - A Canada Day Prayer

On this Canada Day in 2024, join in this prayer for our country and our leaders, for justice, mercy and openess to God's transforming and gracious love.

Outreach Canada - 2023 Annual Report

At Outreach Canada Ministries, we recognize that the challenges facing the Church and individual Christians are too significant to be addressed alone. By partnering with churches, ministries, and individuals, we strengthen each other and our collective impact. In this Annual Report, we not only provide a financial snapshot for OC during 2023 but also share a powerful example of God’s work through the obedience of an OC missionary. It invites us to reflect on the unique role God has called each of us to play in the Body of Christ.

Outreach Canada - 2023 Annual Report

At Outreach Canada Ministries, we recognize that the challenges facing the Church and individual Christians are too significant to be addressed alone. By partnering with churches, ministries, and individuals, we strengthen each other and our collective impact. In this Annual Report, we not only provide a financial snapshot for OC during 2023 but also share a powerful example of God’s work through the obedience of an OC missionary. It invites us to reflect on the unique role God has called each of us to play in the Body of Christ.