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Becoming Disciples Who Multiply




Becoming Disciples Who Multiply Resources

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Who am I discipling
Ric Thorpe, Bishop of Islington, describes in 7 minutes the impact one man (Kevin) made in Ric’s life to guide him, a believer in Jesus, to becoming an a...
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Who am I discipling
Ric Thorpe, Bishop of Islington, describes in 7 minutes the impact one man (Kevin) made in Ric’s life to guide him, a b...
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What is the Discovery Bible Study
This link gives you a comprehensive look at the Discovery Bible Study. Here you find an overview of DBS, a Study Guide for DBS with many suggested Bible ...
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What is the Discovery Bible Study
This link gives you a comprehensive look at the Discovery Bible Study. Here you find an overview of DBS, a Study Guide ...
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What are Disciple Making Movements?
In Canada, engagement in the Church has been in steep decline over the past decade. Could it be that our prevailing models of ministry require a soft ref...
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What are Disciple Making Movements?
In Canada, engagement in the Church has been in steep decline over the past decade. Could it be that our prevailing mod...
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What are disciple making movements
This animated 5-minute video, graphically illustrates what DMMs are and how DMMs have become a  worldwide movement for making disciples. One of the reaso...
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What are disciple making movements
This animated 5-minute video, graphically illustrates what DMMs are and how DMMs have become a  worldwide movement for ...
The second book in this three book series from Daniel B. Lancaster, called Follow Jesus Training . 
PUBLISHER: T4T Press ISBN: 1938920406

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Watch this 8-minute video illustrating 7 basic principles on how the CPM/DMM methods address the problem of how to reach 8 million people who have never heard of Jesus.

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Dave Marttunen, the retired Director of Fellowship International, discusses the goal of setting people free to reach more people in our communities with the gospel. Dave takes a deep and thought-provoking dive into the fundamental guiding principles of DMMs. As a successful pastor and leader in the prevailing model of church, Dave gently unfolds ten principles that may challenge your thoughts on what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples. It is a 38-minute video that also is formulated ...
AUTHOR(s): Dave Marttunen

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e3 is a partner organization whose mission and vision is “Multiplying Disciples and Churches around the World”. E3 laid out a simple plan for how each person can engage with people we are concerned about and would like to see become disciples of Jesus. Using videos to explain one process of sharing our faith, we are guided in developing our faith journey and sharing that journey with others. The site is loaded with free resources to use.

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Listen to David Watson introduce paradigm shifts involved in engaging disciple-making movements, as we supplement the western church with simpler approaches to our central task.

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Tim Ahlen shares how God challenged his successful approach to church planting and the result was explosive growth of congregations and new disciples.  May his story inspire you.

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