Sea to Sea - A Canada Day Prayer

Lorna Johnston

Inspiration for the motto found on Canada’s official Coat of Arms, ‘A Mari Usque Ad Mare’, (translated ‘From Sea to Sea’), was drawn from Psalm 72. This Psalm, written by King Solomon, affirms that good leadership and governance flow from a just and righteous heart. On this Canada Day, join me in praying for our country and our leaders. 


We ask you to fill the hearts of our leaders with your justice and righteousness. We pray that you would cause them to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you. We pray that power and political gain would be abandoned in favor of pursuing what is right and true and good.

We pray that the judgements of our governments and our courts would be filled with concern for the vulnerable and afflicted—children, refugees, victims of abuse and crime, those who have been oppressed and denied the inherent value and rights you have invested in us.  

We pray that Canada would be a land of mercy, filled with your shelter and shalom; that people would find hope and a future here. We pray that each one would have a home, food to eat, and be able to contribute in meaningful and helpful ways to the whole of our society.  

We pray that systems and structures that are causing harm to people would be demolished. Expose the evil works of criminal gangs, powerful oppressors, and cruel leaders and bring them to swift justice. We ask for your kindness to lead them to repentance. 

We pray that Canada would be a place where Your flourishing is evidenced - people and creation learning to live in harmony together, a place of increasing wholeness under your Kingdom rule. Restore your good creation, and teach us to be wise, good stewards of the abundance of this land. 

We pray that all who call Canada home will come to find their true, eternal home in you, through the powerful redemptive work of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. We pray that evidence of transformation will be seen in reconciled relationships across cultures and languages, as we all take our place at your table and celebrate the feast you have prepared for us.  

We pray that Canada will be a shining light to all the other nations of the world, as we walk in your ways, under your leadership. Cause us to be a blessing beyond our borders as we have received your blessings. 

We praise you LORD God and declare that you are the only one with all authority in heaven and earth; the only one who is good, holy, just, righteous and merciful. May your name be lifted up, forever, from sea to sea.  


July 01 2024

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