OC Director's Blog: September 2023 - LeaderSHIFT

Since the beginning of the year, we have been working through a leadership transition at Outreach Canada. After fifteen years as Executive Director, Craig Kraft has moved to a new role as the Director for Global Collaboration for our OC Global Alliance. Over the past fifteen years we have grown significantly from about twenty staff and volunteers in 2008 to over one hundred and forty in 2022. Our Board has elected to take an intentional transition time before hiring a new Executive Director. This will provide time for assessment, evaluation, adjustment, and alignment before a new Director is appointed.
We have formed a LeaderSHIFT team to lead us through this time of transition. Over the past nine months, Craig has been passing his various leadership responsibilities to capable team members who will relieve him of all his Canadian responsibilities by the end of the year. The LeaderSHIFT team hopes to have a new Director in place by the end of 2024. The team is made up of Ray Woodard (Board Chair), Lorne Hunter (Assistant Director), Rick Burdett (Chief Operations Officer) and Lorna Johnston (Director of Diaspora Ministries).
Craig and Heather moved to Murfreesboro, Tennessee this summer, for family and financial reasons, and he will serve our OC Global Alliance partners from there. He will now focus on communications, collaboration, and development of our global partnership of 1300 missionaries with work in 101 countries last year. Craig will continue to be an Outreach Canada missionary and part of our Global Ministries team as he serves our OC Global Alliance.
Stay tuned for our future “Director’s Blog” articles coming this fall, which will be coming to you from our OC LeaderSHIFT team!
September 06 2023
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