LMT Webinar: Sharing your Contagious Faith with your Muslim Friend

Date / September 9 - October 14, 2023 (Saturdays)
Location / Online / From 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (EST)
As disciples of Christ, we are called to share the gospel, but few of us are naturally comfortable with evangelism. We wrestle with internal fears, a lack of preparation, and the sense that reaching out to others might force us to act like someone we're not.
What if we could find a way to talk about Jesus that fits our personalities, makes us feel confident, and ignites a fire in others? Well, guess what? The way to a personal evangelism style can be found.
Please join us in discovering your natural style in sharing Jesus with others as Pastor Lane Davis hosts the Contagious Faith evangelism course by Mark Mittelberg for six consecutive Saturdays from September 9 until October 14, 2023.
As we all strive to become more intentional and effective ambassadors for Christ, Contagious Faith will help guide us to our natural style in sharing Jesus with others, including with our Muslim friends.
The course format includes a 20-25 minute video for each session in which Mark Mittelberg introduces and unpacks five approaches to evangelism that will help you determine which of them fit best with your unique personality and style: Friendship-Building / Selfless-Serving / Story-Sharing / Reason-Giving / Truth-Telling.
Mike Mittelberg explains the Traits of the 5-Faith Sharing Styles in this short-video.
He also explains in a down-to-earth fashion several key skills that will help you talk about Jesus effectively, illustrating his message with real-life accounts of ordinary believers who applied these principles for extraordinary impact.
"It is essential that each participant has their personal paper copy of the Study Guide. It is foundational to the course. From the first session in which the Contagious Faith Style Assessment is filled out by each participant, to each Group Interaction session and Group Activity exercises, the study guide is essential in obtaining the maximum benefit from the course.
Another benefit of the study guide is that there is a code inside the front cover & website address in which the participant can re-watch Mark Mittelberg's session videos. They can do this during the course as a review, or after the course as a refresher.
Regarding which format to use (kindle or paper book), although one could work with the kindle version, they would need a notebook in order to transfer the data that would be written in the paper copy. It can be done, but the paper copy of the study guide is preferable." (Pastor Lane)
You can purchase the Study Guide from any of the following vendors by clicking on each link below. We recommend that you purchase the study guide prior to the start of the course.
Amazon.ca / Church Source / FaithGateway
Pastor Lane is an avid ambassador for Jesus among Muslims. He serves as a pastor with the Missionary Church International (TMCI), a church planting network based in the United States with a particular focus on Africa and South America whose goal is evangelizations and the support of missionaries around the globe.
Pastor Lane has been facilitating evangelism courses and the Bridges-Christians Connecting with Muslims course (by Crescent Project) for many years in churches in the Greater Toronto area and online through the LMT network. You can find many useful resources in apologetics and Christians-Muslim dialogue in his website www.existenceofgod.org
This course is offered free of charge!
To contribute towards the LMT Network administration costs that help make this training and many more possible, please click HERE. A donation of $20 will help to cover these costs and enable us to keep offering resources like this to encourage you to engage with your Muslim neighbours.
Please click HERE to register!
You will receive the link to join the course upon receipt of your registration form.
Any questions? Contact us at info@lmtn.ca
August 15 2023
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