LMT Webinar: Foundational Concepts in ministry to Muslims

"Foundational Concepts" in ministry to Muslims
Date: January 28, 2023 (Saturday)
Location: Online / Zoom / From: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)

You are invited to hear from Dr. Nabeel Jabbour on foundational concepts in ministry to Muslims. Dr. Nabeel says:
"Imagine yourself standing in the shoes of your Muslim friend as she/he is considering the claims of Christ.
- What is involved in that journey?
- What are the obstacles on the way and how to overcome them?
- What stages of transformation will take place in your life and in your friends’ life as you go together in that journey?
- How does Acts 10 shed light on that process?"
Dr. Nabeel T. Jabbour grew up in Lebanon and was a Lebanese before he got the US citizenship. He lived with his family in Egypt for 15 years before moving to Colorado Springs, his current home where he works with The Navigators. Although Dr. Jabbour comes from an Arab Christian background, for the first fifty years of his life, Muslims were his neighbors, teachers, roommates, and later his friends and students.
While earning a doctorate in Islamics, Dr. Jabbour's method of study was phenomenology. It is a method of study where the phenomenon is allowed to speak for itself resulting in a compassionate understanding of the phenomenon from the adherent's point of view. He did not want to project his prejudice on Islam and Muslims and come to predetermined conclusions. Instead, he learned to put on Muslim worldview lenses, to stand in their shoes, and to see the world through their eyes.
Dr. Jabbour was a professor and frequent lecturer at seminaries and churches around the world and he is the author of 'The Crescent Through The Eyes of The Cross', 'Unshackled and Growing', 'The Rumbling Volcano' and 'The Unseen Reality'. Please visit his website to acess the resources www.nabeeljabbour.com
We invite you to attend this 90 minute webinar, including Q&A and a time of prayer.
This webinar is offered free of charge.
To contribute towards the LMT Network administration costs that help make this training and many more possible, please click HERE. A donation of $20 will help to cover these costs and enable us to keep offering resources like this to encourage you to engage with your Muslim neighbours.
Please click HERE to register!
You will receive the link to join the webinar upon receipt of your registration form.
Any questions? Please contact us at info@lmtn.ca
January 25 2023
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