A Christmas Prayer
We glorify your name this holiday season. For you alone, O Lord, are worthy of all praise, glory, and honor.
Christmas day reminds us of your majesty and grace. We are reminded of the sacrifice you made when Jesus came from heaven as a child to show us what the Father is like. How amazing that the infinite God came to live among us, and not only that, but also to be sacrificed for the punishment we deserve.
May we never presume on your kindness and take for granted what you have done; may you alone continue to receive all praise and glory.
We thank you, Father, for the many blessings you bestow on us, for we know that every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of lights who does not change. The circumstances of our lives are ordered and ordained by you, and we thank you that you are working all things out for the good of those who love you. Our world is struggling with war, famine, pain, and suffering; guide us to the hurting and show us how to help and love them. We know that, in Christ, we are immeasurably blessed. Help us never to forget that. Help us not to grumble or to complain or feel sorry for ourselves. May we never cease to give you thanks and glorify your son Jesus Christ.
Father, our culture tries to make Christmas strictly about presents, vacation days, rest, and filling our hearts with things that cannot ultimately satisfy. Some of these things are good things. Because of your provision and grace, we can and should enjoy them. But we realize these things do not sustain us. We know there is more.
We know that it is only the grace of Christ, reflected in the gospel that can satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. Our hearts are restless until they find rest in you. Help our hearts to rest in you. Help us to look to Jesus Christ alone for our sense of satisfaction and not in earthly things. During this Christmas, help us to look to you to accomplish what you alone can do.
So Lord, as we gather to be with family and friends, and as we gather to worship in our churches, will you please be near to us? Will you please bless us with your presence? We are desperate for more of you, Lord. We are counting on you and cannot truly enjoy Christmas apart from you. This Christmas we are grateful for the baby you sent as the greatest gift of all time.
To you alone, we give all praise and glory. We offer this prayer in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you to Rick Burdett for this written prayer. Rick is the Chief Operations Officer at Outreach Canada. Before joining OC in 2019, Rick served as an executive pastor in two churches over 22 years. If Rick had a free afternoon, you might find him fishing, kayaking, bike riding or napping. Rick is passionate about working with and supporting people who are sacrificially loving lost people into the kingdom of God. He loves listening to the stories of how God is using team members to bless our culture & world.
December 19 2022
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