Mobi 101 Seminar

Mobi 101 Seminar

Outreach Canada Website


Mobi 101 is offered to all who have completed a Simply Mobilizing course such as Kairos or Interface. This four-hour course explores the ministry of calling others to be part of the mission of God. We use the term mobilizer, hence the name of the course, Mobi101, but the goal is to provide some tools to invite others to this amazing journey.

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For more information on any of our courses, visit the Simply Mobilizing Canada website

What is Mobi 101?

Do you have the desire to see all God’s people on mission with him?  Have you found yourself sharing this desire with other believers?  If so, God may be calling you to be a Mobilizer.  

Mobi 101 is an introductory seminar in mobilization designed firstly, to provide a Biblical basis for the ministry of mobilization and secondly, to differentiate between the various mobilization ministry expressions. This seminar is helpful for those who feel called to the ministry of mobilization, to identify the precise mobilization expression God has called them to and where they can be most fruitful and find the most joy in their mobilization ministry. 

The seminar itself has three main sections.

  • Section one looks at the missional basis of the Bible and therefore the need for mobilization.
  • Section two looks at mobilization as prophetic and apostolic ministries to the Body of Christ
  • Section three provides a practical exercise of discovery of ones calling to the ministry of mobilization.



November 16 2022

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