A Prayer for Easter Morning

Father God,
This morning as we watch the unfolding glory of the sun rising in the sky revealing the majesty of your creation, we are reminded of the rising of our Savior, Jesus Christ from the tomb.
At the Savior’s birth, the angels said, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.” Jesus came wrapped in glory; the whole earth was filled with his glory. Like the waters that cover the seas, our earth is filled with your glory, and it is revealed in the resurrection of Jesus who overcame sin and death, that we too may have eternal life in heaven with you.
Father, we are living in a moment of time where we only see your glory dimly. Peace seems elusive. We know from your creation and from your provision through Jesus’s resurrection that peace is at hand for all who will believe in the Savior.
We celebrate this Easter the name and the glory of Jesus Christ who stepped away from the majesty of heaven to come and reveal you, Father God, our creator, our sustainer, and our salvation from the sin that so easily dwells in each one of us.
Father, help us to see our lives through your eyes. Help us to see Jesus, still wrapped in your glory, the very presence of love to our broken and shattered world. Help us, Father, to show those around us, wherever we are, the presence of Jesus in our lives.
This glorious resurrection day, we celebrate your goodness and mercy to our world and we give you our lives and praise in thanksgiving for the resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ.
*This prayer was originally published in April 2022, and has been updated and republished. We invite you to join us, once again, in prayer this Easter!
Thank you to Rick Burdett for this written prayer. Rick is the Chief Operations Officer at Outreach Canada. Before joining OC in 2019, Rick served as an executive pastor in two churches over 22 years. If Rick had a free afternoon, you might find him fishing, kayaking, bike riding or napping. Rick is passionate about working with and supporting people who are sacrificially loving lost people into the kingdom of God. He loves listening to the stories of how God is using team members to bless our culture & world.
April 02 2023
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