
Rick Burdett


In 2007, Nike Inc. started a shoe campaign around NBA superstar LeBron James. “The Witness campaign pays tribute to James and acknowledges the legions of fans worldwide who are ‘witnessing’ his greatness, power, athleticism and beautiful style of play.”– NIKE Inc. Huge billboards were placed in cities around the world, TV commercials ran for several years. The idea caught on, millions of shoes sold, T-shirts and hats flew off the shelves. The campaign, now over, had a successful run. James was/is an exceptional athlete.

Ordinary & Extraordinary

Being a witness to something extraordinary is nothing new.

You and I witness events around us all the time.

  • A baby’s first step
  • A building being built
  • A kiss

We witness the ordinary and extraordinary events taking place around us every day. Being a witness is normal.

You will be my Witnesses

Two thousand years ago, a man named Jesus lived. He was a son, teacher, rabbi, friend and healer who gave the world a human example of what our Creator is like.

We needed this.

We no longer have a somewhat vague, mystical idea of God. We have God in the flesh.

In the last years of his life, Jesus gathered men and women to himself. We know them as the Disciples. The gospels tell us how Jesus poured his life into the Disciples. His purpose in doing so was revealed following his death.   The Bible records his last words to us in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

WITNESS! There is that word again.

Just as Jesus called the early disciples like John, Peter, Matthew and the others; those of us who believe the gospel of Jesus are also his disciples.

Disciples are called to be witnesses to the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the end of his life Jesus empowered them (and us) to become his witnesses on the earth.

Consider how we would describe to others the experience of witnessing an eagle swooping down into the ocean and snaring a fish. In the same way, disciples describe. We bear witness to our relationship with the God/man who lived and died and took on himself our sin and gives us eternal life.

We at Outreach Canada, are committed disciples of Jesus Christ. We bear witness to our own personal relationship with Jesus.

As a team of disciples, we are committed to helping churches and individuals like us to fulfill the final command of Jesus – to receive power from the Holy Spirit and be witnesses for the transforming work only Jesus can do in our lives.

We love that we do not do this alone. As we enter into 2021, we look forward to partnering with you and the churches we serve, to be His witnesses here in Canada and to the end of the earth.


When Rick Burdett was a kid, he dreamed of being a professional football player. Now, he’s the Chief Operations Officer at Outreach Canada. Before joining OC in 2019, Rick served as an executive pastor in two churches over 22 years. If Rick had a free afternoon, you might find him fishing, kayaking, bike riding or napping. Rick is passionate about working with and supporting people who are sacrificially loving lost people into the kingdom of God. He loves listening to the stories of how God is using team members to bless our culture & world.


January 13 2021

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