Engaging Islam
Friday, August 28, 2020
What is Engaging Islam?
An intensive course for understanding and impacting the Muslim world. Perfect for missionaries, church leaders, local workers, and anyone who wants to learn how to effectively engage Muslims with the gospel. Taught by experienced evangelists and Muslim-background Christians, this one-week course combines classroom instruction, discussion, role-playing, and hands-on street evangelism and gospel conversation with Muslims that will vitalize and empower your witness!
Course modules provide an in-depth study of Islamic beliefs and practices, what to expect in gospel conversations and relationships with Muslims, common stumbling blocks Muslims face, and different steps in Muslims’ journey toward Christ. Engaging Islam Institute attendees report increased effectiveness in their ability to:
- practice biblical evangelism
- respond to questions Muslims ask
- communicate truth into another culture
- develop a Christian worldview
- help converts develop spiritual discipline
- bear Muslims’ suffering and hardships
- train others in servant leadership
For the first time ever, we are offering an online webinar option for the Engaging Islam Institute course. The webinar will be held on Zoom, and it will include all of the classroom teachings that will take place in-person. This is the perfect option for those that are interested in the intensive course for understanding and impacting the Muslim world but do not have the ability to travel to Dearborn.
PRICE: $95*
*Price covers course tuition and a free download of Georges Houssney’s book Engaging Islam.
Please click HERE to register