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Thursday, May 28, 2020
Evangelism & Discipleship Survey
We have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the last of our four short surveys on Discovering the Church Online. This week we look at the challenges of evangelism and discipleship in an online environment.
We would like to learn from your stories and experiences. (All of the individual data will be held in confidence while a general report will be shared on our website).
We would be grateful if you would take a couple of minutes to answer these questions. You can access the Evangelism & Discipleship Survey here:
Results coming soon!
Discovering the Online Church - Results
Our first 3 surveys explored online worship, giving, and pastoral care. You may still participate in those surveys or view the reports. We will continue to evaluate the data from these surveys and provide more reflection in future Outreach Canada blogs.
Worship Experiences: Results
Online Giving: Results
Online Pastoral Care: Results
We would also like to thank everyone who has participated on our first three surveys. These surveys have explored online worship, online giving, and online pastoral care. If you have not participated in these surveys, you are welcome to do so at your convenience.