Diaspora Ministries

A Worldview Story: Set Free

Outreach Canada Website / Thursday, August 31, 2023


One of the challenges of interacting cross-culturally with our neighbours is that we understand our own worldview very clearly, but people coming from other cultures come with a different perspective. Each of us is convinced we understand how the world ‘really works’ and may struggle to understand why people have different thoughts.

This difference carries into spiritual realities. Imagine the challenges that might be faced in understanding someone’s journey to faith. They may not need to fully understand that their sins are forgiven as much as they need to realize that their shame has been lifted; or that the God of the Bible is the truly powerful one with authority over all of heaven and earth.

As we have opportunity, we want to share stories from people who have found Jesus who come from different worldview. What follows is one of those stories. Maybe you won’t fully understand it; maybe it will make you a bit uncomfortable. I encourage you to listen with your heart to this journey to Jesus that might be quite different than your experience.

Set Free by the Blood and Love of Jesus

This true story could reveal many testimonies - of the truth of the Word, of forgiveness of sins and of being set free, of the realness of Satan, of the power of the blood of Jesus and His love for us.

I was lost and I was found.

I was confused and He cleared my mind.

I was burdened and He set me free.

This is my story of redemption.

My journey to the hospital in December 2014 changed my life and destiny. I was a new, lukewarm Christian for less than 2 years and a lost soul prior to it. Although I was "saved", looking back I really wasn't. I was still questioning whether Jesus was real and couldn't get my head around hell and Satan. I had my moments of feeling emotionally close to the Word and Christ but never fully rooted. Being married to a Hindu, although not a devoted one, thankfully, I sometimes had to take part in their rituals. Our trip to India in October/November 2014 tested my faith and I failed. I took the red powder and put it on my forehead and dismissed any hesitance at that time as being polite to my husband's family. Deep down it bothered me along with anything else that I did against His will (or did not do for His will). I was constantly lost and burdened from cheating on Christ. I was tormented by not being able to express my faith, even the little I had, and to live in silence about it. I was angry at myself and felt sorry for myself at the same time. I believe He stepped in to free me as promised in John 8:32.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:32

The Holy Spirit opened my eyes as I read the verse Isaiah 41:15 posted on a wall at my parents' house. As I read the powerful words my heart raced, and I felt clear about everything. I felt strong and bold. I've never felt like that reading a Bible verse, ever.

“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,

new and sharp, with many teeth.

You will thresh the mountains and crush them,

and reduce the hills to chaff.” -Isaiah 41:15

The next day, Satan was out to get me because I was drawing near to God. As Jesus calls him, the father of lies (John 8:44), Satan sparked a lie in my head that everything was a figment of my imagination. Everything. I just needed to end my life, and everything will turn into nothing ... A "dot" Satan told me. He lied to me that I'm finally free after this realization and I screamed and spelled out "F-R-E-E" as I jumped on our couch. I was possessed by the evil one. My husband soon called the police, and the ambulance came and took me to the hospital. It didn't end there. The devil kept at it for many days at the hospital. I was admitted for IV antibiotics treatment for typhoid which my husband and I caught in India, but the spiritual warfare took place at the same time. Satan took over me and made me act in ways I never would. I spat and name called the doctors and nurses. I laughed hysterically for no reason. I was not myself. Doctors and nurses were baffled and ordered MRI and other brain activity tests only to find everything normal with the results. They didn't know what was wrong as they were not aware of the spiritual battle that was taking place in my room. My pastor clued in the moment he came to visit me. The devil wouldn't allow me to look at my pastor as it knew that he'd be able to stop it. Then, something happened that changed EVERYTHING. My pastor prayed over a cup of water as the blood of Jesus and gave it to me to drink. The moment I drank that lifegiving cup of water, I was freed. I literally felt all my burdens being lifted away. I felt refreshed, eager to be with my Father, and an intimate connection to Jesus like never before. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, I even saw my arms and legs turn as white as snow. I cried out saying I want to be with my Father and I longed for Him. It was the most wonderful feeling and words cannot do any justice. I had really taken the living water that set me free. I became a new person in Christ.

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” -Ephesians 2:13

Satan wasn't done yet. He came back with vengeance a few days later but my Jesus stepped in and fought for me. Satan closed my mouth and I couldn't speak or spit the phlegm that was building up in my mouth. My pastor and sister were there praying during this battle, fighting for me. Satan kept controlling me and searched frantically for impure things around the room to feed off. BUT my Jesus was groaning and fighting for me. HE fought the battle for me at my weakest moment.

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” -Romans 8:26

Jesus kept reminding me of all the wonderful things in my life to stay focused to win the battle. He reminded me of His pure and compassionate love for me, for us. In the end, Jesus won. I was able to spit out everything and felt released. The battle was finally over with my King as the Victor. I was treated at the hospital for typhoid but the Lord and my family in Christ know the hospital experience was more than that. It was the battlefield of spiritual warfare. There are some things that happened I will never understand or will never be able to articulate to others. But what happened and was witnessed has been pivotal in my life and the lives of those around me.

The Lord used what Satan meant for destruction for good.

To reveal the truth.

To set me free.

To draw me close to Him. To make me strong and bold like a lion in Him.

I shall never live in silence again.



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