Better Together: The Story of Lazarus

Monday, December 21, 2020


Memory and Hope are twin companions - at CHRISTmas, as well as throughout our year - mingling the past with the future as we walk in the present.

Memory. God tells us over 150 times in His Word to keep our memory sharp, to remember. To remember all He has done: how He has cared for, provided for, protected us. Gifting us hope, as we look forward expectantly for His provision, care, and protection in the future.

A hope that gripped the wise men and prophets of old.

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

Rejoicing in hope, they looked forward to the new and glorious morn God was bringing through His Son.

Like a magnet pulling iron, hope pulls us toward a longing for the God’s kingdom to be fully revealed.

Hope is not merely wishful thinking, glossing over the pain of the present.  Christian hope is anchored in a firm memory of God always keeping His promises. Gifting us the stability to stand firm, resting on an unshakeable foundation.

As Eugene Peterson points out, we move from the strength that memory gives us to the expectation that God will keep His promises in the future.  We become willing to leap into His arms of safety each day.

Memories give us the strength to stand and hope gives us the willingness to leap.

What memories give you strength to stand and hope for the future?

Can you remember times that God:

  • Carried you through trials?
  • Supported you in weakness?
  • Surrounded you with His love?
  • Lighted your way in the darkness?
  • Stayed by your side as your companion?
  • Filled you with His peace as your trusted Him?
  • Turned situations and setbacks into good for you?

Let us ask Him for some special gifts this Christmas:

  • a good memory of all the ways He provided through 2020.
  • treasured family and friends more this year than ever.
  • His Son born to redeem His people and open heaven’s doors to all who turn to Him in faith.
  • continue to add to your list.

Then, so we do not forget through the coming year, let’s write them, on Christmas paper, and tape them to our bathroom mirror, our refrigerator, our monitor. For as an ancient proverb says:

Put something where you can see it so your eyes will remind your heart. 

Let’s walk into CHRISTmas ready to rejoice in His presence, full of hope knowing He oversees our future.

With gratefulness, trusting He will continue to care for us now as He has throughout our entire journey with Him.

May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace in your faith, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, your whole life and outlook may be radiant with hope. Romans 15:15 - Phillips Translation


Scott’s compassionate heart and his many years of experience as a missionary and a pastor suit him well for our Corporate Chaplain Ministry. Scott extended the chaplaincy ministry, which began in Alberta in 2004, to BC in 2007 and has continued to serve as a chaplain ever since. He loves to enter the lives of men and women and walk with them through the challenges and victories they experience. His years of cross-cultural experience serving First Nations people and his years as a pastor has helped him in caring for those in the multicultural world of the workplace. When not serving as a chaplain he and his wife Sondra encourage their four daughters and sons-in-law and enjoy their 12 grandchildren. He enjoys walking, reading, working in his back yard and listening to lectures from his favorite teachers at Regent College in Vancouver.



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