MORE Network

Caring for Missionaries & Missionary Kids 

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Returning Home for the First Time
It was the 17 th of November 2023. Our Biman Bangladesh Airlines evening flight began its somewhat rocky decent into Dhaka, Bangladesh. The cit...
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Returning Home for the First Time
It was the 17 th of November 2023. Our Biman Bangladesh Airlines evening flight began its somewhat rocky decent into D...
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MORE Network: Deeply Rooted
An in-person afternoon of cross-cultural stories, connections and celebration with MORE Network. Save the Date! Do you have a heart for mis...
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MORE Network: Deeply Rooted
An in-person afternoon of cross-cultural stories, connections and celebration with MORE Network. Save the Date! Do...
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5 Ways to Pray for MORE Network in 2024
At the MORE Network, the key verse we’ve chosen for 2024 is Exodus 33:14: “The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you ...
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5 Ways to Pray for MORE Network in 2024
At the MORE Network, the key verse we’ve chosen for 2024 is Exodus 33:14: “The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with ...

Explore all MORE Network articles

Walking by Faith


God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.” 2 Timothy 1:7 MSG

I’ve been contemplating the topic of faith recently. I’d like to share several thoughts with you.

Walking by Faith

For those of us who have been exposed to the gospel, those of us who have godly parents and friends, we may be familiar with the term “walking by faith”.

What does “walking by faith” even mean?

  1. It means going into the day expecting God to accomplish the impossible.
  2. It means taking our cue from God‘s Word every morning and living it throughout the day.
  3. It means hearing from God daily. Recognizing his voice. Willingly obeying Him, even when (especially when) it doesn’t make sense.

God isn’t worried nor dismayed when we make mistakes - the times we thought He directed us in a certain way, but we got it wrong.

It’s when we live cautiously and fearfully, when we do not take him at His word and don’t walk by faith that we displease God.

We’re really saying, “God I don’t think you’re all that! I don’t believe you can pull that off.”

Faith comes from God

After all, isn’t it God himself who provides us with a sincere and strong faith in Him? It’s up to us then to use our faith and accept the strengthening of our faith.

How does He do this?

Our faith is fueled (strengthened) in a variety of ways:

  1. By witnessing life challenging experiences in those we love and know well.
  2. By experiencing dramatic hardships in our own lives; God carries us through.
  3. By reading scripture and being reminded of those suffering in the name of Christ (Jesus’ disciples, Apostle Paul)
  4. God demonstrating His power to us when we step out in faith, knowing we’ll look like a complete fool if God does not provide.

For those of us who have a godly heritage strengthening our faith, we are entrusted with a huge gift many do not have.

God provides us with a calling and an anointing. Some receive it through a righteous mentor. Others receive it through parents. Some receive it directly from God.

We are given an inner boldness, fearlessness, strength and an empowerment coming only through the work of the Holy Spirit for us to glorify God.

And when we take risks in the name of Jesus, not to look good, but rather for His glory, we witness in ourselves, and sometimes in others, a stronger faith in God, an expectancy and a complete belief of His mighty power and love over us.

Why Walk by Faith?

What motivates us? Why not live a comfortable lifestyle, a self-serving lifestyle, and leave the rest up to God?

God calls us to live lives of obedience. That’s why. He calls us to live for him and not ourselves. And he promises we will never regret living that way.

“as I think of your strong faith that was passed down through your family line. It began with your grandmother Lois, who passed it on to your dear mother, Eunice. And it’s clear that you too are following in the footsteps of their godly example. I’m writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when I laid my hands upon you. For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:5-7 TPT

Walking by faith is a demonstration of my belief in God. It speaks to who I think God really is.


Paul Dyck is the National Team Leader for the MORE Network, a Canada-wide collaborative supporting cross-cultural workers & MKs in transition. Paul fills the role of Ministry Ambassador and Champion across Canada, working with church & mission leaders involved with caring for cross-cultural workers & MKs. Paul is an MK and has experience in Member Care, Pastoring, Banking and Business Leadership. Paul & his wife Carol life in Abbotsford, BC.


TCKs & MKs

MORE Network offers two MK (Missionary Kid) retreats: Classic ReBoot for MKs (ages 17-20) and Wilderness ReBoot for MKs (ages 21-35).

Plus, a collection of stories and helpful articles for TCKs (Third Culture Kids), written by TCKs and those who love them!

TCKs & MKs

MORE Network offers two MK (Missionary Kid) retreats: Classic ReBoot for MKs (ages 17-20) and Wilderness ReBoot for MKs (ages 21-35).

Plus, a collection of stories and helpful articles for TCKs (Third Culture Kids), written by TCKs and those who love them!

Re-entry Support for Cross-Cultural Workers

The most traumatic transition a missionary faces is repatriating to their passport country. Is that surprising to you?

MORE Network exists to bolster, strengthen and encourage Canadian Missionaries and their children in times of transition, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment.

RE-VIEW is a re-entry retreat that offers a period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition.

Re-entry Support for Cross-Cultural Workers

The most traumatic transition a missionary faces is repatriating to their passport country. Is that surprising to you?

MORE Network exists to bolster, strengthen and encourage Canadian Missionaries and their children in times of transition, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment.

RE-VIEW is a re-entry retreat that offers a period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition.

MORE Network Blog Articles

A collection of blog articles from MORE Network on topics such as missionary care; debriefing; re-entry to Canada; stories from Third Culture Kids and Missionary Kids; collaboration among missions organizations; testimonies; resources for TCKs & MKs; and much more!

MORE Network Blog Articles

A collection of blog articles from MORE Network on topics such as missionary care; debriefing; re-entry to Canada; stories from Third Culture Kids and Missionary Kids; collaboration among missions organizations; testimonies; resources for TCKs & MKs; and much more!

MORE Network Resource Library

The MORE Network Resource Library is a relational, collaborative, work in progress to provide resources for Member Care Providers, Church Mission Leaders, Cross-Cultural Workers and Third Culture Kids. 

MORE Network Resource Library

The MORE Network Resource Library is a relational, collaborative, work in progress to provide resources for Member Care Providers, Church Mission Leaders, Cross-Cultural Workers and Third Culture Kids.