MORE Network


Re-entry Support for Cross-Cultural Workers

The most traumatic transition a missionary faces is repatriating to their passport country. Is that surprising to you?

MORE Network exists to bolster, strengthen and encourage Canadian Missionaries and their children in times of transition, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment


RE-VIEW is a re-entry retreat that offers a period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition. 

Opportunity is given to process the missionary journey with experienced cross-cultural workers who care and to gain perspective on the next phase of life. RE-VIEW has been developed to provide insight on topics such as transition, grief, loss, stress and burnout, among others. There is also group and individual debriefing.

For more information and to register visit RE-VIEW on the MORE Network website.

Third Culture Kids & Missionary Kids

MORE Network offers two MK retreats: Classic ReBoot for MKs (ages 17-20) and Wilderness ReBoot for MKs (ages 21-35). Plus, a collection of stories and helpful articles written for TCKs (Third Culture Kids), by TCKs (and those who love them!) More info here: TCKs & MKs

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Lament of a Returning Missionary
Loosely based on Psalm 13, here is a prayer of lament of a returning missionary.  How long, Lord, will I miss our former HOME where I sobb...
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Lament of a Returning Missionary
Loosely based on Psalm 13, here is a prayer of lament of a returning missionary.  How long, Lord, will I miss our...
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Christmas Memories from Around the World
Watermelon, Handprints and Fireworks ... What do they all have in common? They are all elements of favourite Christmas memories and traditions f...
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Christmas Memories from Around the World
Watermelon, Handprints and Fireworks ... What do they all have in common? They are all elements of favourite Christmas ...
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The Eternal Benefits of Debriefing
I recently returned from RE-VIEW, a week-long family debriefing retreat, where I served as an adult facilitator and debriefer. While there,...
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The Eternal Benefits of Debriefing
I recently returned from RE-VIEW, a week-long family debriefing retreat, where I served as an adult facilitator and deb...
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Would you join us in making a difference in the lives of Cross-Cultural Workers and Missionary Kids through the MORE HOPE 2022 campaign today? ...
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Would you join us in making a difference in the lives of Cross-Cultural Workers and Missionary Kids through the MORE HO...

Changing the Oil on your Cross-Cultural Worker

How do we care for our Cross-Cultural Ministry Workers? Using car maintenance as an analogy, Mark unpacks three ways the church can support & care for Cross-Cultural Ministry Workers.


Changing the Oil on your Cross-Cultural Worker

How do we care for our Cross-Cultural Ministry Workers? Using car maintenance as an analogy, Mark unpacks three ways the church can support & care for Cross-Cultural Ministry Workers.


The Joy of Transitions

God calls us to follow Him in obedience. Almost always it means change. Leaving our comfort zone, we move into unknown territory, feeling anxious, fearful, and sometimes terrified. Yet we can journey through transitions with confidence, fearlessly, and with anticipation. What does transitioning God's way look like? 

The Joy of Transitions

God calls us to follow Him in obedience. Almost always it means change. Leaving our comfort zone, we move into unknown territory, feeling anxious, fearful, and sometimes terrified. Yet we can journey through transitions with confidence, fearlessly, and with anticipation. What does transitioning God's way look like? 

Memoirs from a Missionary Mom: On Loneliness

During our first year in Chavuma, Zambia with four boys five years old and under, most days I didn’t get past the clothes line, pegging out loads of diapers and laundry. Even without small children, life in developing countries where many missionary mothers serve is characterized by hard work ...

Memoirs from a Missionary Mom: On Loneliness

During our first year in Chavuma, Zambia with four boys five years old and under, most days I didn’t get past the clothes line, pegging out loads of diapers and laundry. Even without small children, life in developing countries where many missionary mothers serve is characterized by hard work ...

Welcome Home! Or maybe not?

What can churches do to care for their missionaries who have returned back to Canada? Returning to Canada for many missionaries may not feel like returning "home". 10 Ways your Church can care for missionaries returning to Canada. 

Welcome Home! Or maybe not?

What can churches do to care for their missionaries who have returned back to Canada? Returning to Canada for many missionaries may not feel like returning "home". 10 Ways your Church can care for missionaries returning to Canada. 

Before I Started Something New...

When Diane and her family were transitioning from overseas ministry in Peru back to a Canada, there were 4 things that she felt God wanted her to know before they started 'the next thing'. Here they are...

Before I Started Something New...

When Diane and her family were transitioning from overseas ministry in Peru back to a Canada, there were 4 things that she felt God wanted her to know before they started 'the next thing'. Here they are...

The Value of Debriefing

Have you ever been blindsided by memories or emotions of an experience that happened years ago? Oi-Wah, one of the leaders of The Emmaus Journey knows that all too well. Let her tell you her story...

The Value of Debriefing

Have you ever been blindsided by memories or emotions of an experience that happened years ago? Oi-Wah, one of the leaders of The Emmaus Journey knows that all too well. Let her tell you her story...