MORE Network

Caring for Missionaries & Missionary Kids 

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Returning Home for the First Time
It was the 17 th of November 2023. Our Biman Bangladesh Airlines evening flight began its somewhat rocky decent into Dhaka, Bangladesh. The cit...
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Returning Home for the First Time
It was the 17 th of November 2023. Our Biman Bangladesh Airlines evening flight began its somewhat rocky decent into D...
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MORE Network: Deeply Rooted
An in-person afternoon of cross-cultural stories, connections and celebration with MORE Network. Save the Date! Do you have a heart for mis...
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MORE Network: Deeply Rooted
An in-person afternoon of cross-cultural stories, connections and celebration with MORE Network. Save the Date! Do...
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5 Ways to Pray for MORE Network in 2024
At the MORE Network, the key verse we’ve chosen for 2024 is Exodus 33:14: “The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you ...
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5 Ways to Pray for MORE Network in 2024
At the MORE Network, the key verse we’ve chosen for 2024 is Exodus 33:14: “The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with ...

Explore all MORE Network articles

Forced to Adapt or Choosing to Adapt?


In Biology, adaptation’s how organisms adjust to changes in their environment. And there’s no agreement as to how this happens.  Some biologists - holding tight to evolutionary theory - avoid the idea that there might be purpose behind any adaptation. Others hold that it MUST be purposeful and so leave space for God.

For us – created in the image of God - adaptation may come either way - random or purposeful. It’s why we’re told in Romans 12:2, “Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

We can let what’s happening around us mold us or we can be purposeful and seek God’s help in adapting to the changes that are going on around us and in us.

Right now, my wife and I have to adapt in 3 ways. 

  1. One, we’ve recently retired and we’re experiencing the effects of extra time and of aging.
  2. Two, in this season of COVID, life sometimes seems ‘on pause’.
  3. Third, we’re responding to a call of God and so have joined Outreach Canada to begin a ministry called ‘Alongsiders’. 


Based on Biblical descriptions of the work of the Holy Spirit, Alongsiders will respond to the needs of those serving cross-culturally who are under stress.

Instead of them having to come home, the prayer is that temporary help on the field – with whatever is needed – will lighten burdens and provide space for reflection and rest.

So, we’re trying to adapt. Adapt to a new life stage. Adapt to a season in which nothing seems normal and we can’t really make plans. And adapt to a change in our own self-understanding and to a web of new relationships in the Outreach Canada/MORE Network family.

Be Intentional

Just like everyone else reading this, we’re tempted to just drift through major changes like these. But is seems clear that if we aren’t intentional then we’ll be shaped and molded by what we read and see and hear. Our culture, our friends, our fears and our desires will all tell us what to do and be.

Last week I read an article on retirement and was told that I’m now in a life stage in which I’m free to indulge myself. Then I read another about how to use COVID as a season of self-improvement by learning to do all the things I’ve always wanted to learn.

But where’s the call to reflection on asking God what HE wants us to do with the extra time that we have now and with the time that we have left on this earth?

I think that instead of this being a season of drifting, or of self-indulgence, this may the greatest season we’ve ever had in our lives to be intentional about those words of scripture above. THIS is the season of Philippians 3:13,14.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”   

And here’s the missing call on how to adapt. God reminded us of this last week.

“But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." 


Mark Boughan, and his wife Ruth, have extensive ministry and theological education experience.  They work with the MORE Network, providing Member Care support for international missionaries. Now 'retired' from 43 years of ministry and service, Mark & Ruth are dedicated to creating a 'finishers' ministry to cross-cultural ministry workers who are experiencing significant stress. ​

TCKs & MKs

MORE Network offers two MK (Missionary Kid) retreats: Classic ReBoot for MKs (ages 17-20) and Wilderness ReBoot for MKs (ages 21-35).

Plus, a collection of stories and helpful articles for TCKs (Third Culture Kids), written by TCKs and those who love them!

TCKs & MKs

MORE Network offers two MK (Missionary Kid) retreats: Classic ReBoot for MKs (ages 17-20) and Wilderness ReBoot for MKs (ages 21-35).

Plus, a collection of stories and helpful articles for TCKs (Third Culture Kids), written by TCKs and those who love them!

Re-entry Support for Cross-Cultural Workers

The most traumatic transition a missionary faces is repatriating to their passport country. Is that surprising to you?

MORE Network exists to bolster, strengthen and encourage Canadian Missionaries and their children in times of transition, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment.

RE-VIEW is a re-entry retreat that offers a period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition.

Re-entry Support for Cross-Cultural Workers

The most traumatic transition a missionary faces is repatriating to their passport country. Is that surprising to you?

MORE Network exists to bolster, strengthen and encourage Canadian Missionaries and their children in times of transition, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment.

RE-VIEW is a re-entry retreat that offers a period of reflection for cross-cultural workers (individuals, couples and families) in transition.

MORE Network Blog Articles

A collection of blog articles from MORE Network on topics such as missionary care; debriefing; re-entry to Canada; stories from Third Culture Kids and Missionary Kids; collaboration among missions organizations; testimonies; resources for TCKs & MKs; and much more!

MORE Network Blog Articles

A collection of blog articles from MORE Network on topics such as missionary care; debriefing; re-entry to Canada; stories from Third Culture Kids and Missionary Kids; collaboration among missions organizations; testimonies; resources for TCKs & MKs; and much more!

MORE Network Resource Library

The MORE Network Resource Library is a relational, collaborative, work in progress to provide resources for Member Care Providers, Church Mission Leaders, Cross-Cultural Workers and Third Culture Kids. 

MORE Network Resource Library

The MORE Network Resource Library is a relational, collaborative, work in progress to provide resources for Member Care Providers, Church Mission Leaders, Cross-Cultural Workers and Third Culture Kids.