Weird Things about Living in Canada
Here are 12 Weird Things about Living in Canada...from the perspectives of Missionary Kids (MKs) who have lived overseas...
1. 4 Seasons
Many countries have a rainy & a not rainy season, so to have 4 seasons in Canada feels strange.

2. Weather
Summer in Canada feels "cold", and people are underdressed for the cool temperatures.

3. Milk
Milk is sold in bags! While this might not be true for all of Canada - in Ontario, Quebec & the Maritimes, milk is sold in bags.

4. Dogs
There are no stray dogs on the streets.

5. People
People (and by people, we mean strangers) are friendly and helpful.

6. Convience Stores
There is a lack of convenience stores on most blocks in Canada.

7. No walls around houses
There are no walls around houses here in Canada.

8. Quiet
The streets seem so quiet here in Canada.

9. Public bathrooms
Public Bathrooms mean indoor private ones vs. just using the street.

10. Public transportion
Overseas buses stop everywhere, are more available, and go pretty much everywhere. It is much different in Canada.

11. Greetings
In Canada, “How are you?” is often a greeting instead of a question.

12. Driving
Driving is orderly with little use of horns. Stop signs are heeded & rules are followed!

Great Things about Living in Canada
Of course there are great things about living in Canada too! Such as:
- Extended family visits
- Snow
- Beautiful scenery & creation
- Wilderness Excursions – hiking, kayaking, canoeing & camping
- Canadian food like poutine and the variety of ethnic foods

Transitioning back to Canada
Many MKs (Missionary Kids) & TCKs (Third Culture Kids) identify their transition from home (aka mission field) to Canada, saying: “I thought it would be easy as I speak the language and know the culture. I had no idea how difficult it really would be!”
Many of us have been through the experiences of life overseas and the return to Canada. We understand the need for support. We offer the opportunity for you to connect with other TCKs, or cross-cultural workers who are going through the same life experiences. In a supportive, caring environment we connect you with experienced and qualified personnel who will capably support you through your transition journey. We're here for you.
The MORE Network offers retreats, workshops, prayer and more for those returning "home" to Canada. Reach out to us today!
Diane Fieje collected these "Weird things about Canada" from MKs who have lived oveseas! Diane serves with the MORE Network as a part-time administrator and full-time MK champion. Along with her husband Mike and their children, they spent 20 years in Peru with a mission organization serving children at risk. Having experienced transition back to Canada, first Mike after growing up as a missionary kid in SE Asia, and then as a whole family returning from Peru, they know how hard it can be to readjust to life in North America and are delighted to be able to help others in similar circumstances.