BetterIt Workplace Chaplains

Your Partner for Employee Wellness

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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work with today. May I be sensitive to...
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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided with a healthy mix of gifted peopl...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided ...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft walks through the process & mindset...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft w...

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Fear of my Lord

Fear of My Lord

A poem by Terry Mahoney


My comforter yes. Yet I feel, I confess, a faint trace of disquietude in His presence.

Not because I doubt His love for me…but, rather, because I am certain of it.

And His love is at once tender and mild, yet ferocious and wild… because He, this man Jesus, is both Lamb of God, and Lion of Judah.

He is not only the “I AM” of the heavens, He is, Immanuel, God, very God … with me.

He calls me to Himself, by name, for He knows me in my innermost parts.

He stoops to meet me where I am … to lead me where I must go.

He descends to meet me in the depth of my iniquity then rises to release me from the bondage of my sin.

He comforts me in my melancholic shame – and restores the joy of my salvation.

He lifts me from the wallows of this world, but He lifts me to the altar.

He puts salve on my wounds yet He trains my hands for battle, trains my hands for war.

He is my rock, my deliverer, my shield, but He bids me not to cower in His shadow.

He urges me, rather, “stand”! And in my quivering hand, He places the sword of freedom, of justice, of truth….

…then, through the cacophony of confusion in my mind, I hear a rumbling thunderous cry;

“Come, follow Me, and storm the very gates of hell.”

A clammy fog of fear threatens to envelope my heart, yet my soul leaps within me.

I know that voice. I know that call. It rang out from heaven at the instant of my creation!

I can but kneel, and whisper, … My Lord!


This poem was written by Terry Mahoney, one of our chaplains from Corporate Chaplains.





Workplace Chaplaincy

BetterIt Workplace Chaplains provides a face-to-face approach to developing holistically healthy employees. Every employee interaction in an opportunity for personal, spiritual, and professional growth--resulting in healthier, more productive, and flourishing workplaces. 

Workplace Chaplaincy

BetterIt Workplace Chaplains provides a face-to-face approach to developing holistically healthy employees. Every employee interaction in an opportunity for personal, spiritual, and professional growth--resulting in healthier, more productive, and flourishing workplaces. 

Our Chaplains

Meet our Chaplains! Our professional Chaplains provide stability and strength to employees, working with them to increase their capacity and resiliency in the face of external stressors and future shocks. Our Chaplains interact through coaching conversations and they connect Canadian workers to resources available in their community, to ensure they get the support they need. 

Our Chaplains

Meet our Chaplains! Our professional Chaplains provide stability and strength to employees, working with them to increase their capacity and resiliency in the face of external stressors and future shocks. Our Chaplains interact through coaching conversations and they connect Canadian workers to resources available in their community, to ensure they get the support they need. 

Chaplain Stories

Please enjoy this collection of stories from our Chaplains.

Chaplain Stories

Please enjoy this collection of stories from our Chaplains.


This collection features articles from our Chaplains, as they explore topics and ideas including: spiritual reflections, holiday reflections, and topics of interest. 


This collection features articles from our Chaplains, as they explore topics and ideas including: spiritual reflections, holiday reflections, and topics of interest.