BetterIt Workplace Chaplains

Your Partner for Employee Wellness

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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work with today. May I be sen...
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Prayer for the Workplace
Heavenly Father, Thank You for the job You have given me. For the opportunity to represent You to all those I work...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided with a healthy mix of gif...
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The Ear of Jesus
Mobilizing God-Made Chaplains into the Workplace! We are familiar with the idea that the Church has been provided ...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft walks through the process ...
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BetterIt Workplace Chaplains: A New Era of Employee Wellness
A behind-the-scenes look at the rebrand of Corporate Chaplains Canada to BetterIt Workplace Chaplains! Jonathan Kraft w...

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Grace & Gratitude


Jesus' words, as quoted by Paul: “In everything I have shown you that by such hard work, we must help the weak and must remember the words of the Lord Jesus when he said, ‘To give is happier than to receive’” (J.B. Philips). 

The Reality of the Downtown East Side

Since I started working in the Downtown East Side (DTES) of Vancouver, many people have asked me how I reconcile not only these words of Paul quoting Jesus but also the words Jesus states in Luke 6:30-31:  “Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you” (NIV).

I don’t know how these verses make you feel, but I can be pretty attached to my money and my cell phone, car, laptop….Besides, I—or any of us—can find reasons for not giving to panhandlers who are breaking the law.

  • They are going to use my money to get drugs or alcohol. I can’t give them money.
  • Vancouver is expensive and I need what I have to live to pay my bills.
  • I need all my money to live I’m a poor student.
  • I can’t give when I’m only working a part time job.”  

I have learned that if I can’t give money, I can look and see the person, smile or offer a greeting.

Grace & Gratitude

Anyway, what does this have to do with gratitude? 

Could it be that gratitude is at the heart of what it means to love God and to love our neighbour?  

The dictionary says the meaning of this word is loosely connected to grace.  I wonder if a posture of gratitude (and grace) for all of Creation might help us to live into loving our neighbors as ourselves and loving God with all that we are and do.

Gratitude is not only a response to getting things. When we give someone our money, respect, attention, time and love, we are also receivers because we participate in a circle of grace that gives life.

What would happen...

So, I wonder what would happen to our lives if we tried to recognize gratitude foundational to our love for each other?

Any thoughts about what you are grateful for and how gratitude works in your life?


Al McKay serves as a chaplain in East Vancouver. Al's favourite part of his work is seeing Jesus in unfamiliar places of the Downtown East side in Vancouver. When Al was a kid, he wanted to be a teacher or a famous rock drummer when he grew up. If Al had a free afternoon, you'd find him spending time with his wife. 



Corporate Chaplains

You can find out more about our Corporate Chaplains & read other blog posts from our Chaplains at

Workplace Chaplaincy

BetterIt Workplace Chaplains provides a face-to-face approach to developing holistically healthy employees. Every employee interaction in an opportunity for personal, spiritual, and professional growth--resulting in healthier, more productive, and flourishing workplaces. 

Workplace Chaplaincy

BetterIt Workplace Chaplains provides a face-to-face approach to developing holistically healthy employees. Every employee interaction in an opportunity for personal, spiritual, and professional growth--resulting in healthier, more productive, and flourishing workplaces. 

Our Chaplains

Meet our Chaplains! Our professional Chaplains provide stability and strength to employees, working with them to increase their capacity and resiliency in the face of external stressors and future shocks. Our Chaplains interact through coaching conversations and they connect Canadian workers to resources available in their community, to ensure they get the support they need. 

Our Chaplains

Meet our Chaplains! Our professional Chaplains provide stability and strength to employees, working with them to increase their capacity and resiliency in the face of external stressors and future shocks. Our Chaplains interact through coaching conversations and they connect Canadian workers to resources available in their community, to ensure they get the support they need. 

Chaplain Stories

Please enjoy this collection of stories from our Chaplains.

Chaplain Stories

Please enjoy this collection of stories from our Chaplains.


This collection features articles from our Chaplains, as they explore topics and ideas including: spiritual reflections, holiday reflections, and topics of interest. 


This collection features articles from our Chaplains, as they explore topics and ideas including: spiritual reflections, holiday reflections, and topics of interest.