Location: Burnaby BC
After working for several high-tech companies as well as in the public sector, Paul retired. Besides his role as a Workplace Chaplain, he volunteers for UGM and Low Entropy, and is active in his church.
Though trained as an Electrical Engineer, Paul's career has been exclusively in software engineering and IT (save for a short stint teaching at a college). His eclectic interests however, are much broader and grow out of his insatiable childhood curiosity and wonder. It all began with an act of sacrifice by his dad when he said yes to a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman. (We were a lower middle class immigrant family and the encyclopedia set was not cheap!)
This precious treasure and gift opened up vast vistas of learning for Paul, who would spend hours daily combing through each volume from A-Z, reading about diverse and fascinating topics that opened up his inquisitive mind. These days, he is especially interested in theology, philosophy, literature, critical theory and nutrition.
After working for a number of high-tech companies as well as in the public sector, Paul retired just before the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown occurred. Currently, he volunteers for UGM and Low Entropy, and was an elder of his church until recently.
He is an avid reader and also enjoys music, films, theater, hiking, snowshoeing, table tennis, pickleball, working out at the gym, Toastmasters, spending time with friends, and meeting new people. He and his wife are parents to two boys and two girls.

6/20/2023 11:38:31 PM