Wilma Findlay


  • wfindlay@outreach.ca
  • 519-669-1700

Canadian Donors:

Giving Options

(833) 728-7676

Make cheques payable to:
Outreach Canada
7201 72 Street Unit 2
Delta, BC  V4G 1M5

American Donors:

Giving Options (USA)

Location: Ontario

the MORE Network

Member Care Consultant & Registrar

Wilma Findlay is part of the MORE Network, serving as a Member Care Consultant, Resource Librarian, and Registrar for the MORE Network Events. Along with her husband Alan they understand cross-cultural ministry from first hand experience working overseas, and volunteering with international students in Canada. Now after 30 years of experience in cross-cultural worker encouragement and support, Wilma’s passions include providing care and support for children who have grown up in a cross-cultural environment, people in transition, and developing the MORE Network Resource Library.


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