Loving a Mosque Community Together
Date // June 11, 2022 (Saturday)
Location // Zoom
Time // 5:00pm - 6:30pm (PDT) / 8:00pm - 9:30pm (EDT)

Jesus said, “You shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” (Luke 10:27-29)
So who is your neighbour?
You are strategically placed to love your neighbours. There are some 650 mosques in communities across Canada. It is likely that one of them is near you.
Mosque communities are often the target of hate and racism, but we are called to love. Perhaps the most loving thing we can do is to pray.
Loving a Mosque Community Together is a prayer initiative by the Loving Muslims Together Network.
Join us in this webinar where Lorna Johnston will share how you can engage in prayers of love and compassion for those who call your neighbourhood mosque their home.

Lorna Johnston is the Diaspora Ministries Leader at Outreach Canada. She leads two national teams--Loving Muslims Together (LMT) and Simply Mobilizing Canada (SMC). Lorna works with teams of diverse and experienced leaders and ministries across Canada to alert and activate the church in Canada to the changing opportunities to engage God's mission right here in Canada.
Trinity Pacific Church, located in Richmond, BC, is a community of faith, rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ, and committed to sharing God’s message of hope locally and globally. Pastor Frank and his wife Riad have been leading a LMT prayer group which is praying for a mosque in their community since a few years. They will be joining us to share about their experience.
Loving Muslims Together is a network of individuals, churches, ministries and denominations across Canada with a vision that every Muslim in Canada would have the opportunity to truly discover Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that Christians across Canada would begin lovingly reaching out to their Muslim neighbours, and that Muslims across Canada would become disciples of Jesus Christ.
We invite you to attend this two-hour webinar, including Q&A and a time of prayer.
This webinar is offered free of charge.
To contribute towards the LMT Network administration costs that help make this training and many more possible, please click HERE. A donation of $20 will help to cover these costs and enable us to keep offering resources like this to encourage you to engage with your Muslim neighbours.
If you are interested in attending the webinar please click HERE to register.
Any questions? Contact Cristina at cristinab@lmtn.ca