John B. MacDonald /
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
To hit a target, first locate the bull's-eye.
For Christians, the target is being a disciple and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
So, it's essential we know what a disciple is.
Starting point
Our starting point for understanding discipleship is Jesus- his character, conduct, and teaching. We discover this in the New Testament (NT), primarily the Gospels.
In the NT, the words translated "disciple" (mathētēs), "to disciple" or "to learn" (manthanō), and "to make disciples" (mathēteuō) occur about 290 times. That means a wealth of material informs us what it means to be a disciple.
These "disciple" words include the concept of deliberately following and learning from a teacher or master. In a general sense, this involves a relationship to gain specific knowledge and/or conduct.
There were disciples who followed teachers or masters other than Jesus. This is illustrated by Mark 2:18.
Now John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. Some people came and asked Jesus, "How is it that John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?"
Different teachers lead to different understandings and behaviors in their disciples.
What is different about being a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Jesus' disciples
For disciples of Jesus, something of this "relationship to gain specific knowledge and conduct" is expressed by Jesus' invitation (Matthew 11:28-30):
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn [manthanō] from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
In the well-known words of the 'Great Commission' (Matthew 28:18-20), the mandate to "go and make disciples" is all about Jesus. Discipleship is:
- Established upon his authority.
- Extended to "all nations" or people groups.
- Entered by baptism.
- Expanded by learning and living "everything [Jesus] commanded."
Each of these elements invites further investigation.
In simple terms, Jesus is the source, substance, and goal of true discipleship.
Working definition
Here are three descriptions to help you understand what a disciple of Jesus Christ is.
After considering many biblical texts, Michael J. Wilkins, in Following the Master, proposes an expansive description:
Discipleship and discipling mean living a fully human life in this world in union with Jesus Christ and growing in conformity to his image.
In his article, "A Biblical View of Discipleship," James G. Samra concludes:
Discipleship is the process whereby someone becomes more like Christ. It encompasses both the entry into the process (salvation) and growth in the process (sanctification).
Given these definitions, discipleship is equated with spiritual formation. A valuable description of spiritual formation is provided by Jeffrey P. Greenman in Life in the Spirit:
Spiritual formation is our continuing response to the reality of God's grace shaping us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, in the community of faith, for the sake of the world.
As you can see, discipleship and spiritual formation are related- they just use different language.
Do these definitions give you a better and more extensive view of what being a disciple of Jesus Christ means?
Jesus is the source, substance, and goal of true discipleship.
What are its implications?
Some implications
Here are three consequences of this concept of discipleship.
- All of life - not just the "religious" bit- is impacted by being a disciple of Jesus Christ. It incorporates and permeates all of who you are and how you live. Therefore, being a disciple of Jesus is not a one-size-fits-all program, a short-term course, or a dose of religious education.
- Learning Jesus - not just learning from Jesus and about Jesus- is the substance. Being a disciple of Jesus is not simply receiving a knowledge dump or information download.
- Becoming more like Jesus is the transformative process of growth. This encompasses your attitudes, words, and actions. Being a disciple of Jesus is not simply behavior modification.
Jesus is the source, substance, and goal of true discipleship.
How does this better shape your understanding of what a disciple of Jesus Christ is?

Dr. John B. MacDonald has served for decades as a lawyer and pastor-teacher. He is an associate with Outreach Canada and focuses on equipping and encouraging others to become more like Jesus Christ and to live all of life with God-honoring competence and joy. You can also find more articles from John on his website, living theology.
