Classic ReBoot: From Transition to Transformation

Malik Dieleman /Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Transitioning to life in Canada after years spent abroad can feel like stepping into a new world. The sights, sounds, and even the social dynamics are vastly different from the places many Missionaries’ Kids (MKs) once called home. Amidst the challenges, Classic ReBoot, a week-long retreat designed for MKs aged 17-20, provides a haven for growth, healing, and transformation.

At its core, Classic ReBoot is about helping young people navigate the complexities of re-entering Canadian life after years spent overseas. It offers a week packed with teachings on a number of topics including Canadian culture, grieving well, stewarding sexuality, and basic finance skills. But it’s also a week where transformation happens, not just in the head, but deep in the heart. Through a full week of reflection, fun activities, and meaningful conversations, Classic ReBoot becomes a place where MKs can experience profound change.

A Sacred Act of Letting Go

An impactful activity that is part of each Classic ReBoot retreat takes place by a river. Each participant and staff member are asked to choose two rocks—one on which they write something they want to let go of (a lie), and another on which they write something they want to keep (a truth). This second rock is brought home as a token of this vulnerable moment. Zeke, a 2024 participant, reflects on this experience: “One moment that really stood out to me was when we went down to the riverbank after dinner, worshipped, and threw our rocks into the river. It was a really powerful moment for me, symbolically discarding elements of myself I no longer wanted. That may have been my favourite part of the week.”


The river rock activity symbolizes the shedding of old burdens and the embracing of the new. The activity breaks down walls by inviting MKs to take a public step of courage. Arielle, another 2024 participant, recalls, “This was a big highlight for me because I felt like people became vulnerable at this moment. Although we might not have understood the reason behind why they chose specific words, we could still really relate to them.”

Classic ReBoot fosters a sense of togetherness like no other. The MKs find common ground and shared understanding, even though their stories are vastly different. As Arielle noted, “Everyone there had really different and unique stories, but we were all able to connect deeply with one another because of some of the similar experiences that we had.”

A New Perspective on Canada

After years of living in different cultures, the idea of settling into Canadian life can feel foreign and even unwanted. Zeke admits, “I experienced a transformation from really disliking Canada, to beginning to warm up to it. When the week started, I didn’t want to be in Canada. I had only just landed a couple of days ago from India, and it felt so wrong.”

ReBoot has a way of helping MKs rediscover Canada in a new light. Through fun activities, including an outdoor adventure, and a race that gets teams to work together while being introduced to new Canadian experiences, participants often find a renewed appreciation for their home country. Arielle reflects, “CR reminded me of all the natural beauty that Canada has, which allowed me to have a more positive view on Canada.”

Growth in Discomfort

Classic ReBoot is not just about offering comfort—it’s also about challenging MKs to grow. Arielle recalls moments during the week where she was pushed beyond her comfort zone: “There were a lot of times where I was put in situations that stretched me a lot [...] But by the end of the week, I could see how much I had grown in certain areas.”

Elise, a 2024 staff member at the retreat and a former attendee, has seen this transformation in others as well. She shares about a participant who had previously struggled to make friends in Canada: “Her efforts to connect with her peers in Canada through high school had resulted in deep hurt, causing her to believe that no one wanted to be her friend. But the other MKs responded with such love and understanding that it was a powerful moment of healing for her.”

The Call to Transform

Transformation is the heart of Classic ReBoot. Whether it’s learning to embrace life in Canada, stretching beyond comfort zones, or experiencing the healing that comes through vulnerability and connection, each participant leaves the retreat changed.

Next year’s Classic ReBoot will take place from July 26 to August 2, 2025 at Tyndale University, Toronto. If you know an MK aged 17-20 who is transitioning to life in Canada, or if you’re someone who believes in the importance of this ministry, help us spread the word! Together, we can ensure that more MKs have the opportunity to experience the transformation that happens at Classic ReBoot.



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