Outreach Canada - 2023 Annual Report

OC Tech Services /Monday, June 24, 2024

Good News vs. Headlines

The latest Canadian Census has reported that the percentage of Canadians who identify as Christians is in rapid decline. We have also seen Christian church attendance diminishing in the last ten years.  This is discouraging news for pastors, missionaries, and other Canadian Christians who have hopes of seeing our nation transformed by the presence of the Gospel.

Teresa wondered what she could do. Confined by pandemic restrictions she started studying the Bible with friends online. She started with some local friends in Vancouver and as they invited others, the ministry grew.  In two years, God used Teresa to start over 300 Bible studies in five countries.

Before there were Christian churches, Jesus empowered and commissioned his followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”


In Acts 13 the Holy Spirit called out Paul and Barnabas and they were sent out as missionaries.  The Bible is full of stories of people who were called by God to be part of His mission. Our mission has not changed in two thousand years.  Throughout history we have seen seasons of Christian growth and decline. The challenge to every follower of Christ has not changed.  We must share the good news of Jesus with others so they too can become followers of Jesus Christ.

We invite you to prayerfully consider what you can do to be, make and multiply disciples of Jesus.

looking down from above on a person standing with an arrow in front of them


Outreach Canada missionaries recognize our calling to serve in the complex demographics of a post-Christian nation.  As the progressive social environment in Canada becomes more hostile toward biblical Christian morality, beliefs, and practices, we must become experts in loving and serving well so we may instill hope for the future and represent Christ positively in our nation. Like Teresa, we are using our unique gifts to serve and respond to needs in the community, academy, church, missions, and workplace.  

Our family of ministries is  united in our vision of serving the Canadian church and discipling our nation.  The challenge is too big to be done alone.  We partner with churches, ministries, and individuals, recognizing that we are stronger when we work together.  The Apostle Paul describes the church as a body made up of different parts, but each part has a unique contribution to the whole.  Not every part is a hand or an eye, but each part is essential to the body (1 Corinthians 12).  Not everyone is called to be like Teresa, but we all have a contribution to make in the Body of Christ. 


Bar chart showing 2023 Income for OC


As the chart above displays, the majority of funds (68.5%) received by Outreach Canada Ministries are from individual donors and the churches and denominations that partner with us in our "Great Commission" focus.  We are so grateful for faithful supporters and thank God daily for His provision through them.

Bar chart show 2023 Expenses for OC 


  • Administration: Includes our office expenses, finance department, research, technology and communications teams.
  • Canada Ministries: Coaching and training pastors, serving churches, student ministry, and responding to local church needs. We work with individuals, churches, and denominations to encourage disciple multiplication in every part of Canada. Promoting models for discipleship that focus on simplicity, accessibility, and multiplication with the goal of seeing a movement of discipleship in our country.
  • Diaspora Ministries: Working with cross-cultural leaders, churches, and ministries in Canada, we promote evangelism and discipleship of every Canadian. This includes the Loving Muslims Together Network and Simply Mobilizing Canada (Kairos).
  • Global Ministries: As part of the OC Global Alliance, we are involved in leadership and support for 29 international missionary staff and provide missions and leadership training internationally, including Rethink Development in Burundi .
  • Marketplace Ministries: Our workplace chaplains promote wellness in the workplace where they are often the only contact an employee has with Christianity.
  • Member Care Ministries: Through our MORE Network, we lead a partnership of over 40 mission organizations that pool resources to provide exceptional member care support to Canadian missionaries and their families serving internationally and at home.

God has not called everyone to be a pastor or missionary but He has instructed us all to be faithful with the time, talents, and treasure He has blessed us with. Will you join our OC family? Whether in prayer, service or sharing financially, your participation is essential to continued growth and ongoing ministry of Outreach Canada.




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