One-line Prayers from our OC Team

Outreach Canada Website /Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Here is a collection of one-line prayers from our Outreach Canada team! Will you pray along with us?

Prayers for MKs & Cross-Cultural Workers

Dear Jesus, I pray for Missionary kids and their families who may have lost the joy of your presence, and need help to return to Joy. -Ben Reed, Wilderness ReBoot

Lord God, remind the TCK (Third Culture Kid) in transition of your great love and faithfulness to them in each place they've called home. -Malik Dieleman, MORE Network

Loving Father, thank You that You see and hear each TCK and Cross Cultural Worker. Please show them the wonders of Your love for each of them today. -Diane Fietje, MORE Network

Prayers for Specific People Groups In Canada

God, store up the heart of your Church in Canada to see and love Muslims, so they can come to know you too. -Cristina Boersma, Loving Muslims Together Network

Father, may the false gods that blind the eyes of the Quebecois be revealed for what they are, and may the glorious truth of Christ shine through! -Barry Whatley, Francophone Ministry

Thank You Father for the men and women You have formed and called to carry Your love, goodness and presence into the workplaces. – Soo De Vries, BetterIt Workplace Chaplain

Prayers in Uncertainty

Almighty Father … As our world faces uncertain times, we cry out to you to bring healing and revelation to the people of the world and allow your church in Canada to be a bastion of faith, hope, and love to the nations, for your Glory! Amen. -Craig Kraft, OC Global Alliance

Thank you, God, that You are faithful, true and in control of everything, in contrast to our ever-changing, chaotic world. - Phil Cox, Technology Services

For Making Disciples

God, help me to be a disciple who makes disciples. - Melissa Berry, Communications

God, my desire is to be a disciple who listens well to others and understands how I might be able to help them became a disciple of Jesus. -Rick Burdett, COO

Father, help me be a focused disciple of Jesus, learning from Him, becoming like Him and encouraging others to hear His call to follow Christ also. -Murray Moerman, Disciple Making Movements

Missional Prayers

God, thank you that you entrust your mission to ordinary people who choose to follow you. -Lorna Johnston, Diaspora Ministries

Lord Jesus, thank you for the way you make each person unique. May we each of us use our gifts to help build your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. -Anna Marie, MORE Network

Jesus, open my eyes to those around me who are spiritually searching, and guide my conversations, that I might be a bridge to you. -Carol Moerman, Mission Mobilization

God, make your people aware of their role in your redemptive work and respond accordingly! -Alfred Chui, Simply Mobilizing Canada

One more prayer...

Father, may others see you in me, more than they see me. -Paul Dyck, MORE Network


These prayers are a collection from our Outreach Canada staff team! At Outreach Canada, one of our core values is prayer. And our focus is to see the nation of Canada transformed by the presence of Christ in the life of people, by making disciples of Jesus Christ and serving leaders across our nation.



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