Melissa Berry /
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
We are excited to be launching the new year at Outreach Canada with a new blog series on PRAYER. As we focus on and explore the topic of prayer, we also want to provide helpful tools for you to use in your own life & ministry.
So, we asked our Outreach Canada team for their recommended prayer resources - apps, podcasts, videos, books, prayer guides - especially those resources that have had impact in their own lives. And then we rounded up all the recommendations in one list to share with you!
Our desire is to share from our own experience and to encourage you to dig a little deeper in prayer. On behalf of our Outreach Canada team, we hope you take the leap, and jump into exploring one (or more!) of these incredible resources.
As we kick off our new focus on PRAYER, here is our list of 29 Recommended Prayer Resources for 2024:

1. Joshua Project: Unreached of the Day
Recommended by: Simply Mobilizing Canada (a ministry of Outreach Canada)
“Subscribe to a bottom-line daily prayer app reminder. Pray and claim God’s promises for the world, your neighbourhood, your friend.” – Simply Mobilizing Canada
“Each day, the app presents an unreached people group profile with a photo, statistics, text, map, Scripture and prayer items. Use the app to join thousands of others world-wide praying for the same unreached people group.” – Joshua Project
Find it here: Joshua Project: Unreached of the Day App
2. Operation World Prayer App
Recommended by: Alfred Chui (Simply Mobilizing Canada)
This app is a "reminder of God's heart for the nations, and [keeps me] informed of the current global situations." - Alfred Chui
“Join other believers in praying for the world! Want to join the global prayer movement? Operation World (OW), the definitive global prayer handbook, has been used by more than a million Christians to pray for the nations. Now as a mobile app you can receive reminders to pray for the “country of the day,” research statistics on each country and read the in-depth prayer request and praise reports given for each country of the world.” – Operation World
Find it here: Operation World Prayer App
3. Pray As You Go
Recommended by: Barry Whatley (Francophone & Global Ministries)
“Pray as you Go, a daily prayer guide with scripture based on the lectionary produced by the Jesuits, helps us to pray with scripture and keeps us on pace with a worldwide meditation on scripture (lectionary).” – Barry Whatley
“Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc … It is not a 'Thought for the Day’, a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.” – Pray As You Go
Find it here: Pray As You Go
4. The Lectio 365 app
Recommended by: Melissa Berry (Communications)
“I love the morning and evening prayers and find I genuinely connect with God while I listen & pray along.” – Melissa Berry
“Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional app that helps you pray the Bible every day… With the Lectio 365 app you pray the Bible by meditating on the scriptures and asking God to speak through them. The app has short devotionals for morning and evening so you can open and close each day with God. When you pause in His presence, you create space for peace in a busy and complicated world. – 24-7 Prayer website
Find it here: Lectio 365 App
5. YouVersion Bible App
Recommended by: Paul Dyck (MORE Network)
“Love it! I've used this app for 15 years +. So many resources. So many translations available. I use it everywhere I go. Very helpful for offline as well.” – Paul Dyck
“Already installed on over 625 million unique devices all over the world, the Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online at Our generous partners make it possible for us to offer 3,000 Bible versions in 2,000 languages for free, and without advertising.” – YouVersion website
Find it here: The Bible App
6. Pray for the Nations App
Recommended by: Lorna Johnston (Diaspora Ministries)
"A new prayer app is being developed to help Christians in Canada pray for the least-reached in your city. New profiles are being added regularly for Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal." - Lorna Johnston
"The mission is right here on our doorstep. Our neighbours are from all around the world, from places where the Gospel may not be known, let alone welcomed. We have an opportunity here and now, to show Christ's love through learning and making friends. Use the prayer content in the app and on the website to guide your intercession on behalf of each least-reached people group community listed" – Pray for the Nations website
Find it here: Pray for the Nations

7. Prayer Current
Recommended by: Craig Kraft (OC Global Alliance)
Prayer Current is a ministry based in Vancouver that “equips church and mission leaders to make disciples by training them in missional prayer.” Prayer Current offers resources, experiential training workshops and community coaching.
Find it here: Prayer Current
8. Susan Larson Ministries
Recommended by: Diane Fietje (MORE Network)
"Susie has a deep love for God and desires others to 'grow in their faith walk, to deepen their understanding of God's Word and heighten their awareness of His presence.' Everything I read or listen to of Susie's, challenges and encourages me to dig deeper and love God more. She prays believing God to do what He has promised according to His Word, not with expectation but expectantly." – Diane Fietje
Find it here: Susie Larson

9. Rule of Life Podcast
Recommended by: Soo De Vries (BetterIt Workplace Chaplains)
“[I would recommend] John Mark Comer’s book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, and then his podcast Rule of Life: Practicing the Way, because over the last two years, as I practice what I am learning, it is changing my life.” – Soo De Vries
“How can I arrange my life to apprentice under Jesus? The Rule of Life podcast is designed to guide you in arranging your everyday life around being with and becoming like Jesus. Each season will cover one of nine ancient Practices from the Way of Jesus: Sabbath, Prayer, Fasting, Solitude, Scripture, Community, Simplicity, Generosity, and Hospitality. You’ll hear from pastors, thought leaders, and everyday apprentices of Jesus, all hosted by John Mark Comer and produced by Practicing the Way. Each season will be released alongside a Practice - a four week long experience created by Practicing the Way, designed to integrate these ancient practices into your everyday life.” – Rule of Life, on Apple Podcasts
Find it here: Rule of Life on Apple Podcast
10. Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer
by Max Lucado
Recommended by: Phil Cox (I.T.)
“Our community group just finished a Max Lucado study through RightNow Media, based on his book ‘Before Amen’. It is simple and short and generated a lot of good discussion. And it encouraged people to take practical steps to move beyond whatever the current status of our prayer life.” – Phil Cox
“Max Lucado's Before Amen is a 4-session [video] study for anyone desiring an improved prayer life. In the sessions, he reveals his struggles with prayer and his discovery that having a conversation with God is for everyone, not just for the pious few. Through the use of a simple, easy-to-remember, pocket-sized prayer that he distilled from the prayers in the Bible, he shows us how everyone can build a prayer life that is stronger, better and deeper. Connecting with Him each day can mean all the difference in your life and how you experience God.” – Max Lucado,
Find it here: Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer
11. Prayercast Prayer Videos
Recommended by: Simply Mobilizing Canada (a ministry of Outreach Canada)
Prayercast offers a vast library of free Prayer videos – to help you pray for countries, regions, and religions around the world.
“Prayer is a core spiritual discipline. And yet few people truly thrive in this vital work. These Prayercast Prayer Plans exist to activate world-changing prayer for the sake of the lost by providing structure, direction and accountability. Just as a Bible reading plan helps us to be intentional about our time in scripture, these plans are designed to help us be intentional in our time spent in prayer for the lost around the world. Each plan will guide you through a series of daily prayer topics …each day, simply watch the listed Prayercast video, then pray as God leads.” – Prayercast
Find it here: Choose from Prayercast videos OR Prayercast Prayer Plans

12. Reclaiming Prayer by John B. MacDonald
Recommended by: Melissa Berry (Communications)
“No matter what topic John is approaching – he goes beyond ‘pat answers’. As he approaches topics with curiosity and a firm Biblical foundation, he uncovers practical wisdom in an easy-to-read format and challenges his readers to both think and act. This series on prayer is no different!” -Melissa Berry
“Have you lost the desire and delight of prayer? Do you want to reclaim prayer? Our core description of prayer is supplied by Clement of Alexandria (150-215 A.D.): ‘keeping company with God.’ In this series, we explore various perspectives of praying and prayer.” – living theology blog
Find it here: Reclaiming Prayer by living theology
13. Prayer Series from Simply Mobilizing Canada
Recommended by: Melissa Berry (Communications)
"The Prayer series from Simply Mobilizing Canada explores how prayer connects with our call as believers to join God on mission! Exploring topics like praying for unreached people groups; prayer-walking; and corporate prayer for our nations, this blog series offers a practical approach to a missional prayer life." -Melissa Berry
Find it here: Prayer Series by Simply Mobilizing Canada

14. 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in Canada
Recommended by: Loving Muslims Together (a ministry of Outreach Canada)
Every year, Loving Muslims Together puts together the 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in Canada, a daily prayer booklet with a short introduction and prayer point that focuses on the real needs of your Muslim neighbours in Canada. This prayer guide is intended for Christians as they pray for their Muslim neighbours during Ramadan.
Find it here: You can find the 2023 Prayer Guide here: 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims in Canada (and the 2024 version will be released before Ramadan). Guide is available in English, Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese.
15. MORE Network Praise & Prayer
Recommended by: MORE Network (a ministry of Outreach Canada)
“Join us in praying for the work of the MORE Network and for our member organizations. Prayer is central to what we do. We acknowledge our need of God and desire that it be He who works in and through us.” -MORE Network
MORE Network publishes a monthly prayer calendar as a prayer guide - in particular for praise & prayer requests related to ministry to Cross-Cultural Workers and Missionary Kids/TCKs returning to Canada. The prayer calendar is divided into a daily format so that you can easily include it in your daily prayer.
Find it here: MORE Network Praise & Prayer (current month). There are also options to subscribe to automatically receive monthly updates through email.
16. Loving a Mosque Community Together
Recommended by: Loving Muslims Together (a ministry of Outreach Canada)
Loving Muslims Together has a vision that each mosque across Canada would have at least one church praying regularly for their community. Canada is home to an estimated 1.8 million Muslims and there are 650 mosques across Canada, scattered in our neighbourhoods. It is likely that one of them is near you. Through the “Loving a Mosque Community Together” initiative, you can sign up, as a church or a small group, to receive resources to help you pray monthly for the mosque community closest to you!
Find it here: Loving a Mosque Community Together
17. Praying For the World
Created through the partnership of Operation World and the Lausanne Movement.
Recommended by: Lorna Johnston
"Start a mission-minded movement in your church this year with Praying for the World, a free weekly prayer guide to inspire and inform the whole church to pray for the whole world. Through Praying for the World, our aim is to help churches around the world see the big picture of how God is moving in our world today, cultivate greater awareness of global missional needs and opportunities, and mobilize prayer and loving action. Each of the 52 weekly prayer guides features a specific country or region and includes practical points for learning and praying. " - Lusanne Movement
Find it here: Praying for the World
18. Hindu Prayer Guide by 110 Cities
Recommended by: Lorna Johnston (Diaspora Ministries)
“As Hindus prepare for and celebrate Diwali, you are invited to join with the global church in concerted united prayer that they would come to know the one who is truly the Light of the World. A daily Hindu Prayer Guide, available in 33 languages, can be accessed here. Let’s join together to pray that true light will shine in the Hindu world!” –Lorna Johnston
“Intercessory prayer can accomplish the impossible. Indeed, intercessory prayer is the only thing that will overcome the challenge of bringing the life-giving message of Jesus to Hindus around the globe. The goal of the Hindu Prayer Guide is to help Jesus Followers throughout the world to focus on praying for Hindu people. It is a tool translated into 20 languages and used by over 5,000 international prayer networks.” -110 Cities
Find it here: Hindu Prayer Guide Link
19. Buddhist World Prayer Guide by 110 Cities
Recommended by: Lorna Johnston
“Join thousands of believers from many churches and Christian ministries around the globe, as we come together online for a 24-hour prayer meeting covering key cities and regions of the Buddhist world. This will be an opportunity to pray together, exalting Jesus Christ as King throughout the Buddhist world, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to every unreached people group in these cities and nations! Chinese New Year is a special time for families to gather and we want to pray for them! Do join us for an hour (or more) of this 24 hours, to pray for Gospel movements throughout the Buddhist world and China!” -110 Cities
Find it here: Buddhist Prayer Guide Link

20. Every Moment Holy
by Douglas McKelvey
Recommended by: Anna Marie Graham (MORE Network)
“There are prayers for every occasion one can imagine and they are beautiful and relevant prayers.” – Anna Marie
Book Description: “The Every Moment Holy series of books brings new liturgies for the ordinary events of daily life, such as "A Liturgy for Feasting with Friends" or "A Liturgy for Laundering" or "A Liturgy for the First Hearthfire of the Season." These prayers are ways of reminding us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose even when, especially when, we are too busy or too caught up in our busyness to notice.” -Every Moment Holy
Find it here: Every Moment Holy
21. Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer
by Tyler Staton
Recommended by: Malik Dieleman (MORE Network)
“This book explores the power and counter-cultural nature of prayer. I particularly liked how the author looks at the Lord's Prayer and breaks it down, even stopping at the very beginning with the word 'Our' and diving into the significance of even one word.” – Malik Dieleman
Book Description: “Prayer is, without a doubt, the source of Jesus’ most astounding promises. And yet, most people, even most Bible-believing Christians, find little life in prayer. Prayer is boring or obligatory or confusing or, most often, all of the above. Prayer is more than just listing requests, though. Prayer is an invitation to learn to listen to God before speaking, to ask like a child in your old age, to scream your questions in an angry tirade, to undress yourself in vulnerable confession, and to be loved, completely and totally loved, in spite of everything. Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is not a book, it’s an invitation to discover the life-giving relationship promised to you and won on your behalf by Jesus.” -
Find it here: Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools (Amazon Canada)
22. Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel
by James Wilder, Anna Kang, John Loppnow, and Sungshim Loppnow
Recommended by: Ben Reed (MORE Network)
“This is likely the most practical [prayer resource] I have seen to equip disciples of Jesus to pray and learn about our need to always return to the joy of Jesus's presence” – Ben Reed
Book Description: “Experiencing God's presence brings healing, peace and connection. Like any other relationship, experiencing God's presence takes practice. Immanuel journaling is based on scripture and neuroscience and simple to learn.” – description from
Find it here: Joyful Journey (Amazon Canada)
23. Books by John Smed
- Disruptive Prayer: The Movement Starts Here
- Journey in Prayer: 7 Days of Praying with Jesus
- Prayer Revolution: Rebuilding Church and City Through Prayer
Recommended by: Craig Kraft (OC Global Alliance)
“These [books] have been influential in my devotional life.” -Craig Kraft
“Real prayer is disruptive. In contrast, our prayers are often pedestrian and domestic. We ask God to prosper the economy, keep us safe from injury and illness, heal the environment, help us win the war against global terrorism, reduce overall suffering and generally preserve the status quo. Judging from these prayers, God is at our beck and call, like some kind of heavenly caretaker. Such prayers are not the priority to be answered. (If they were, they would do little good for ourselves or the world.)
The coming kingdom is not about maintaining the existing order; it brings a new order altogether. True prayer reverses our position, brings us to our knees, and places us in God’s service. When God hears and answers these prayers with wonders and blessings, it will disrupt our present way of life. In answer to prayers of faith, God’s kingdom comes in storm wind and fire — removing the old to make way for the new.” -Prayer Revolution Description from Prayer Current website
Find them here: You can find John’s books, and other resources from Prayer Current
24. Why Pray? 40 days from Words to Relationship
by John DeVries
Recommended by: Craig Kraft (OC Global Alliance)
Book Description: “Prayer is asking God for what we need or want-and so much more! Many people have at one time or another found their prayer life unsatisfying. But prayer should be so much more! Prayer is one of the most exciting and powerful privileges of faith. In Why Pray?, you will learn through forty insightful readings how prayer transcends words to become a satisfying relationship with God.” – description from Amazon Canada
Find it here: Why Pray? (Amazon Canada)
25. Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home
by Richard Foster
Recommended by: Craig Kraft (OC Global Alliance)
Book Description: “This book is a comprehensive, profound and immediately accessible book which opens the way for all to increase their understanding and develop their practice of prayer. Richard Foster explores the riches of the historical classics of prayer as well as his own personal experience. No one who reads Prayer will remain unmoved; all will find encouragement within its pages.” -description from Amazon Canada
Find it here: Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home (Amazon Canada)
26. The Book of Psalms
Recommended by: Rick Burdett (OC Leadership)
“Collectively, the Psalms drive me deeper into meditating on who I am in Christ and how much God loves me.” – Rick Burdett
Find it here: Psalms (on
27. Quiet Talks on Prayer
by S.D. Gordon
Recommended by: Barry Whatley (Francophone & Global Ministries)
“Everybody wants to pray with power but how? This early twentieth-century guide by S. D. Gordon explains the meaning and mission of prayer, hindrances to prayer, the "how to's" of praying, and Jesus' habits of prayer. Identifying prayer as the world's greatest "outlet of power," Gordon encourages a vibrant, two-way communication with the God who longs for communion with His people.”
Find it here: Quiet Talks on Prayer (Amazon Canada)
28. The Kneeling Christian
by Anonymous
Recommended by: Murray Moerman (Disciple-Making Movements)
“I'm grateful for the encouragement of intercessors, such as the author of The Kneeling Christian, who understand prayer to be an engagement of aligning our hearts with the will of God, opposing evil, and seeking God's purposes, often in a context of opposition, encouraging us also in our prayer-life.”-Murray Moerman
Find it here: The Kneeling Christian free PDF (Murray Moerman's website)
29. The Daniel Prayer
by Anne Graham Lotz
Recommended by: Carol Moerman (Mission Mobilization)
“From renewing one's relationship with God, to revival in the church, to spiritual awakening in the nation, Lotz shares personally what it takes to be centered in prayer.” -Carol Moerman
Book Description: “Many people today find that their prayers don’t “work.” And like a broken cell phone, prayer gets thrown out as unnecessary “clutter” in most people’s lives. Anne has found that while prayer does work, sometimes the “pray-ers” don’t. So she turned to the prophet Daniel for help. This book, based on Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9, will help you pray effectively for your nation, for your family, and for yourself.” -Anne Graham Lotz website
Find it here: The Daniel Prayer
On behalf of our Outreach Canada team, we hope you take the leap, and jump into exploring one (or more!) of these incredible resources. (*And just a note that none of these links are affiliate links ... our desire is to share from our own experience and to encourage you to dig a little deeper in prayer!)
These recommendations came from team members across Outreach Canada, and Melissa Berry had the privilege of compiling them all into one list! Melissa is the Digital Content Coordinator at Outreach Canada. Her favourite part of her job is getting to share stories - the stories of OC people, & the stories of how God is working! If she had a free afternoon, you'd probably find Melissa on an adventure with her husband & two children (with a chai tea in hand, of course).
