A Canada Day Prayer

Rick Burdett /Monday, June 26, 2023


Father God,

You are mighty in power; you extend your reach throughout the planet and the universe. You provide protection and give mercy to your children. We praise you for your protection of Canada as we celebrate your goodness and provision for our nation.

We have the privilege of living, worshipping, working, and playing in a free country. Your creation has given Canada an abundance of natural resources and given us the privilege of overseeing what you have provided. From incredible natural beauty, you also provide us the means for sustaining an abundant life for all who live in Canada. You give us the opportunity to not only enjoy your creation here, but you allow us to share our resources with others who have far less. We do not take this for granted Lord; it is a gift we desire to steward wisely and generously.

We value our freedom. We value choice. We enjoy these because of your providence and protection. We give thanks for the men and women who serve Canada in our military. We pray for those serving in foreign lands, protect them all Lord by your sovereign will and mighty hand. We give thanks for those who serve in our nation enforcing our civil and moral laws. These people continuously place themselves in harm’s way to give us safety and security. We know our security lies in you Father, so we ask your great blessing on these ministering angels in our society.

We pray for our King, Charles, that you grant him wisdom and strength.  "May he know you are walking with him day by day. May he follow the example of Jesus – the ultimate King of Kings." 1

We lift up our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. Grant him wisdom beyond his years. We ask that you show your face to him as he oversees our nation.

There are so many others Father, who serve in government both federal, provincial, and territorial. We are grateful for each of them. Please make yourself known to those who lead us so they may be wise and discerning.

Father, our nation is not without problems, and hurts that need to be healed. Our First Nations people have endured much needless suffering in our zeal to impose values and beliefs that were ours and not yours. Forgive us for this Father. We continue, like those who come before us, to struggle loving others who may not look like us or speak like us or act like we think they should. We fall short of the example shown to us by Jesus of how to love and live with each other in peace and harmony.

Father, our nation needs Jesus Christ. Help our pastors, priests, and ministry leaders to show us how to live lives that honor you and bless you. We are your creation; sustain us in the coming days as we seek reconciliation and understanding within our great nation. Instill in all of us your values, your love, your justice, and mercy so that we will be a blessing to our world.

We thank you Father, for those immigrants finding their way to Canada. Help us to see each person as one whom you have created in your image and for your purposes.

Our desire, and we know it is also your desire, is that all people will be at peace with each other. We understand that this peace only comes through your Son, Jesus. Help us all to see Jesus and to seek after him and his love and way of sacrificial giving so that we may have eternal life because of him. We look forward to His return.

We pray all these things in the name of Jesus,


1 Hope Together "A Prayer for the Coronation of King Charles III" 

This prayer was written by Rick Burdett. When Rick was a kid, he dreamed of being a professional football player. Now, he’s the Chief Operations Officer at Outreach Canada. Before joining OC in 2019, Rick served as an executive pastor in two churches over 22 years. If Rick had a free afternoon, you might find him fishing, kayaking, bike riding or napping. Rick is passionate about working with and supporting people who are sacrificially loving lost people into the kingdom of God. He loves listening to the stories of how God is using team members to bless our culture & world.




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