All Courses & Seminars

Simply Mobilizing develops and offers courses that focus on mobilizing all God’s people into meaningful engagement in God’s mission. Using a variety of formats and learning styles, these courses are intended to be accessible and reproducible, and are available in over 30 languages.
Information (and registration links) for all upcoming course offerings can be found at: Simply Mobilizing Course Registration
The following courses and seminars are reguarly offered by Simply Mobilizing Canada:
Kairos Course
Aligning your life with God and his mission.
KAIROS is a foundational discipleship course on God’s mission. It develops the major biblical theme of God’s heart for all the nations of the world—both globally and in the neighbourhood—and His desire to use His people to be a blessing to them.
The Unfinished Story
Discovering God's plan for the peoples of the world
The Unfinished Story provides an integrated overview of the mission of God from Genesis, through the gospels and more than two thousand years of the world Christian movement, to our world today.
Empowered to Influence
Living effectively as salt and light
The Empowered to Influence (ETI) Course will benefit every believer, but especially those are in the workplace. It focuses on seven paradigm shifts that need to take place for every believer to become effective salt and light.
INTERFACE is a core program of Simply Mobilizing that focuses on the development of Missional Churches–it seeks to answer the question, “What does a ‘mobilized church’ or a ‘church on mission with God’, look like”?
INTERFACE can fit into an existing denominational or local church structure. It will simply enhance an existing model for greater emphasis on outreach and the participation of all God’s people on mission with God.